The autonomous cars, based on Toyota Prius hybrid hatchbacks, will now be allowed on public roads for further development and testing, carrying a distinctive red licence plate with an infinity symbol on the left side. “I felt using the infinity symbol was the best way to represent the ‘car of the future',†Nevada DMV director Bruce Breslow said...
This technology is going to be a stunning advancement in automotive travel in coming years as it is tweaked and advanced and rolled out in greater numbers. They'll need millions of flawless miles to convince people of their safety, however.
I really don't see this flying for a very long time. As Skoorbmax indicated, no one will really want to relinquish ultimate control. One accident involving one of these, and an accident is inevitable, will set it back years. What IS more interesting is if some of this technology is applied to assist the operator in avoiding accidents or dangerous situations. Kind of like the lane keep assist, but on a more sophisticated level.
Don't be so sure. Trucking companies are dying to get their hands on this. And if insurance companies offer lower rates for driverless cars (which they have expressed they might), people will jump on this too. You can't argue with data. Right now, every day, autopilots on some airplanes are used for every phase of flight except for taxing. A computer is controlling the descent, approach and landing.
It may be driver-less...but it's not going to be driver free for a very long time. I see the technology making the driving task easier. I also think that there are some applications that will make driving in ultra dense committing areas a little easier for those poor souls that have to slog their way to work every day. Some people won't mind letting HAL drive them to work while they read the morning newspaper, or telling HAL to dash down to the Whole Foods store to get them some genuine processed organic dinner however (comma!) there's a reason that mass transit hasn't really taken root in America that goes beyond convenience or socioeconomic status. To quote from the guy that wants my CinC's job....."I like cars!" As vanilla as the Prius driving experience is, there are hordes of folks buying suspension components and engine doo-dads to make it a little more fun to drive! I may have to buy a HAL'd car someday courtesy of my beloved government, but one of about three things is going to happen. HAL is going to have a large illuminated "override" button. -or- People will figure out how to hack HAL. -or- Old geezers like me will continue to drive grandfathered-in "real" cars.
YES! This has to start on the highway where conditions are highly predictable. I am seriously so stoked for self-driving cars, I can never understand why so few other people care about them. Not easily, but they will eventually. Millions of Americans spend two hours/day in their car, mindlessly driving at terribly low speeds. If something like this could let them literally sleep, or surf the net in total safety in their car I believe people will clamber for it. You're right the one inevitable accident will hurt it, just like a single battery fire in an electric car can do the same. We are seeing more automation in driving coming along, from lane warnings, to early braking systems, already in cars. These are very cool things to have (I don't because they are still pricey). I also strongly, am absolutely without a doubt positively committed to the conclusion that we will all have devices in our car that monitor our driving real-time and motivate insurance rates. Progressive does it now, but in time we all will; those who refuse will "refuse for a reason" and that reason perceived as a desire to drive recklessly. They will be priced out of the insurance market. Once this driver-less technology matures and proves it's magnitudes better at avoiding certain accidents than real people those who put it in their car will also get an insurance discount.