Ah yes, Chop Suey! Both my wife and I like SoaD and Chop Suey! is a particular favorite of hers.* But I often like things a bit more mellow... (The album had guest vocalists. Judy Tzuke in this case.) Of course, their core style is "Trip Hop". (Skye Edwards rejoined on the latest album. Hoorah!) * She managed to score kudos points with a student when she heard him playing SoaD through his headphones and not only identified the band but the name of the song (which, takes actual knowledge, given that the song title isn't in the lyrics).
Bravo! My favorite Billy Joel song from my favorite Billy Joel Album. I'm very surprised he played it in what looks like a recent concert. Next time I get in my Prius gonna grab my iPod, press the Voice control button and say "play album Turnstiles"
I saw him when he toured in 2008 at Mohegan Sun. He opened with this song as him and his piano rose from under the stage. It was awesome :cheer2:
Oh, my favorite Celtic music is Clancy Brothers and Chieftains...this is one of Sinead's best songs: And for something completely different (like these blokes better then Floyd)
First the parody Then the original [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zSRcFxZVAA]Tanz Mit Laibach - YouTube[/ame]
I saw a Laibach concert once. Most boring show I have ever been to. True fact. Still like their music, though.
^ Laibach has made a career making people wonder if they are Nazis, Commies, or anything else that will get people riled up. For instance, they took this Queen song and COMPLETELY changed it's meaning by singing it in German and wearing para-military uniforms Yes, in English the title is from the racist movie "Birth of a Nation"