REJOICE! I didn't think the terms "Prius" and "Stern" were ever used in the same sentence. You'ven now acquired a bit more "class".
Actually, I've never listened to Howard. And I'd say your thoughts hold true for TV as well..... Yeah, I've been a sucker for Sirius since April. Now I'm shelling out $142.45/year for the six or seven commercial free music channels that I listen to (of the 65 they offer, not including news, sports, comedy, weather & traffic). I never would have done this if terrestrial radio in this area weren't just so awful. Not only is "new" music usually six months old, but they run the same fracking car ads over and over and over. To me, SatRad is absolutely worth the cost. Maybe it's not for you, but you could always try that 3-day free trial just to make sure.....
I subscribe to XM and ONLY use it when I go on long trips. Still, the joy of listening to the same ( or any station I want) w/o the constant looking for a new radio is worth it to me. It is all a matter of perspective. As far as Howard Stern....3rd grade potty humor. I have never listened to NPR and it is because I HEARD that it is very left leaning....I don't want more of that in my life. Anyone want to debunk that so I can "check it out for myself"
Debunk? No... as long as by "left leaning" you mean "liberal" and not "voice of Democrats." NPR is definitely a liberal news organization. But then, so are all of them (except Fox, which is the only one that makes it a point to be conservative -- despite their false claim of "Fair and Balanced"). I worked in the TV news industry for over eight crazy years (local station). So I know first-hand what goes on. And I have to tell you... there is no vast left-wing conspiracy! News directors, producers, anchors and reporters don't sit in a circle trying to decide how to make Republicans look bad. All they do is try to figure out how to fill time without pissing off advertisers. It all boils down to this: news is liberal because journalism is a liberal art. The whole point is to report with an "open mind" not with a slanted view. (Of course, news still gets slanted, but that's another rant for another time -- and one reason why I left "the biz"). I've known many conservative journalists. But they also practiced a liberal art. I like NPR news because their stories are the most in-depth of any news organization. But I also balance that with Fox and ABC (both on Sirius). You are welcome to "check it out" on terrestrial radio, if you like. And you might actually find other shows that suit your taste other than All Things Considered, like Marketplace. But if you don't want to give it a listen, it won't bother me any.....
I have always felt this. There is NO right wing agenda, no left wing agenda in the sense that the "powers that be" sit around cooking all this stuff up. (Sorry all you conspiracy theorists..Gov't, in particular, is too stupid to PLAN all these conspiracies) It is more of the "birds of a feather flock together" type of issue.
Puhleeze.... I had Sirius installed specifically so I could listen to Stern. What stimulating programs do you suggest we listen to while we sit in traffic? NPR? Tom Leykis? Please give me some suggestions. It's not like I can friggin' read a novel while I drive and books on tape? No thanks.... If you have never had the chance to hear Howard and Robin do the news then you are missing a very funny thing. Remember there's more to Stern than just "farts" and "queefing."
Why don't you tune in and form your own opinion? I doubt that you'd be brainwashed if it is not to your liking. I find the news coverage to be fairly balanced. In recent years, NPR has added quite a few conservative commentators, such as David Brooks and David Frum.