I can't believe how crappy my Black Prius III Model 3 is! Every time I go out there is bird crap all over my passenger's side mirror and door. I must have washed (at least rinsed) it off 2 times this weekend. It's mostly on that side, but there was a decent amount on other parts of the car. And, I'm not even under a tree. To make matters worse I was in the car in my driveway with the door closed and I hear a thump on the driver's side door. I look down and a bird had just flown into the door. It got up and flew away. I went out early this morning after having rinsed it off just last night and lo and behold there is a bird on my passenger's side mirror. Guess what it had done! I had my Altima in the same spot for over 10 years and never had a problem like this!!!
I actually have been seeing the same happen. Both Prius's have been getting sh*t on. I have a truck that has not been moved for 6 months, and sitting under a tree, and the birds stay away from that. huh? If we were driving, that would be different... At least a squirrel thought he could take his good 'ol time crossing the street, being that he would have a leisure time since only a Prius was coming, haha.
I believe there is a TSB for that, as well as the hatch opening too high and causing bird collisions. Perhaps it is bird revenge.
It's not the cars fault; It's probley one or two birds.....like they say " S--- happens " !!:smash: THAT BIRD.
cardinals seem to enjoy provoking fights with birds in mirrors! It's love-bug season in Florida again......try some of them if you want the front side of your car peppered with hard to remove goop!
I had a yellow Corvette that birds tended to fly into. I figured they thought it was a big yellow bug, or something.
Get a cat, although you'll have to put up with muddy paw prints (and hope it doesn't slip off the Zainoed surface and claw it in the process). At least that's easier to fix than marring caused by bird droppings, especially on black paint. Speaking of which, keep a bottle of 50% isopropyl alcohol and a microfiber in the car at all times and get the droppings off as soon as you see them. Doing so will save your black paint as much as possible. Trust me on this.
or train your ka [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFPLN-sD1l8&feature=player_embedded"]Ford Sportka Ad - Bird - YouTube[/ame]
Now THAT is freakin' hilarious. Can I get those with LEDs tied into my turn signals? Wait, on second thought, I'll bet there's too much of a mileage hit to have those installed. Never mind.
My advice: sell your oceanfront estate and move inland. You'll get less seagulls with their heavy loads of crap. But if I were you - I would prefer to wipe off the seagull stuff and still enjoy the ocean views with a cup of coffee from the front porch
The grasshoppers were lovin my car yesterday They made nice juicy yellow splats on it. Stupid bugs Mike
I do live somewhat inland, about 4 miles from the shore. Who said anything about seagulls, it's robins who are doing this!
Actually, it looks to be one or two birds. I just thought of a quick easy fix.....that MAY work. Try putting a plastic grocery bog on your mirrors. That should do the trick. If not, at least park it somewhere else for a few days.
I read that garlic deters birds from building nests. I tried it on a downspout that a robin tried twice to build a nest on, and it worked. Perhaps you can rub some on the areas?
I'm actually thinking of sticking a mouse trap on top of the mirror. Hopefully, it will at least scare them off.
Try getting one of those fake owls and place it near the car. I'd first see if one of your neighbors has one that you can borrow to see if it will work.