Looks like the Volt owners MyVolt.COM website is getting some life back in it. Our mileage/charging/efficency details were "beta tested" last fall then removed. They've had some big upgrades in the past month or two (for internal and external uses). Here is a sample of what we get: Vehicle data as of 04/29/12 at 06:08 PM CDT Last 30 Days Electric Miles: 817 Gas Miles: 30 Total Miles: 847 Percentage on Electric: 96% Fuel Economy: 250+ MPG Electric Economy: 27 kW-hr/100 miles Combined Economy: 112 MPGe MyVolt.COM mileage details for last 7 days using graph/table option MyVolt.COM mileage details for last 7 days using download option MyVolt.COM charging details for last 30 days using graph/table option MyVolt.COM charging details for last 30 days using download option
MAIN point of my post is that we certainly have kWh data now even for those with 2011's. So from my other post my cost per kWh is between $0.05 -$0.07 with fees. Varies with weather changes. Anyone can do the math. I'm sure you'll have post across the forum pointing to this data in some not so positive twisted way... <snip> decide posting details beyond the above to you was not a good idea. you could twist anything / everything to meet your needs. </snip> There is 7 day and 30 day data above. Charges over 10 kWh are from a "drained battery". ie. 4/14, 4/18, etc Tomorrow, Sat 6May2012, I'm going a full charge (45 miles in good weather) and then some more miles beyond that.
My data from a trip I took today (Sat 6May2012). 2/3rds driving 65 MPH in cruise control mainly. 1/3rd driving 35-50 MPH. Temps in mid-60F. 68.4 TotMiles = 40.8 EV miles and 27.6 gas miles. 49.2 MPG gas = 27.6 gas miles using 0.56 gal of gas 120 MPGused = 68.4 TotMiles using 0.56 gal of gas 73 MPGe** = 68.4 TotMiles using 0.56 gal of gas and 12.9 kWh electricity ** MPGe calculated using spreadsheet via Progressive Automotive X PRIZE: Calculating MPGe
That is not a really meaningful question unless you can answer these: What is the payback of leather seats, of good torque, of not sending $$ to opec, of a quite ride? But here are some numbers for consideration. For me a 50mpg hybrid would use > 10 gallons more per month. From 10/29/11 to 4/29/12, I went 4119 mi on 8.3 Gallons of Premium + 1163kWh of wind power. With total fuel costs of $99.03 that translates to 491 MPG, 96.62 MPGe, 41.54 MPF$ or $.0240/mi. What is the comparison vehicle. I compare it to a BMW325i or maybe, for a hybrid, a Lexus C200h. (No PiPs back when I bought). My car, less incentives, was just under $30K. A C200h driver probably uses .08 a mile and a BMW $.12. My payback was the first week I plugged it in. Compared to an eco-box, well, its priceless as I would not want to drive one. I just was on a business trip to Edward's air-force base and ended up in rental Hyundai Accent and the most fuel efficient car I could rent at the airport (32MPG). It was painful to have to drive that, even just for 2 days.
Glad to see the electricity usage...plus the really high MPGs! Those are fantastic. Puts the "dual-fuel" in perspective. Not ideal in calculating, I realize, but real-world usage is just that...reality. Now to get more of these in the hands of the people. Yes, some are able to eventually see the lower sticker price (fed and state tax credits)...but many are just not "ready" to see $40,000 plus up front as "savings" at the pump. Good for those that can show us the beauty of this plug-in technology. Keep it up. I'm awaiting the day I can post these numbers!
You are confused where you are. That is the kind of crap comment you post at the GM forum that is up-modded by the forum fanboys. Here it earns you negative karma.
I was very suspicious why he asking. Certainly it wasn't because he was genuinely interested in a positive way.
bah, I can't get the image to show up right to share my graph. Scott did you have to save it as some other file type?
Your electric economy is much lower than EPA so I asked for your driving conditions. I thought 9.29 miles average trip is low. Prius PHV could do well for someone like your commute pattern. If you don't want to share your driving conditions, that's fine. I'll understand.
Leather seats - can do without, torque is fine, quietness is good, eco-box is GREAT!!! Best part is the Prius payback: 1.8 years. I think I have answered my meaningful question on the Volt payback: 26.2 years!!! UGH. Check out a handy chart from True Car. This article is in the NYT. DBCassidy
Well if you value the econo-box feel, then you made a good choice for you. The trueCar article is comparing to the wrong car. For my comparison, my Volt payback was under a month. Well different people can have different priorities. That does not make them confused. I know some people that believe that self-indulgence is bad and we should be purging ourselves of earthly delight. To each their own.
why do people worry about pay back , we just traded our 2011 prius for a 2012 volt, so far for the 2 weeks i have the volt we put on 385 miles all electric,no gas what so ever, we didnt buy the car for a pay back, drive the car theres your pay back,its a fantasic vehical, not that the prius wasnt a nice car, but its an econ box car the volt is not.just drive and enjoy it
You are driving a repackaged Daewoo, not Prius owners. By all means though, enjoy your car. Even apply heaps of rationalization if you must.
I just started using imageshack and uploaded it there. It was suggesting sizes based on what you were going to do with the image. I used a size it recommended. I use to use google and you could resize the picture and generate a new link but with Google+ they changed it all up.
I've seen enough of your post to see what you do to many posters information. The Volt is sporty, pretty quick, and handles well. Definitely not the econo-box feel/drive most describe the the Prius (heard that from many Prius owners some who own Volts now). I also wanted a dynamic electric drive *feel* even on hard acceleration or speeds over 62 MPH (or 50ish as we've seen). Volt is the only plug in that is a "BEV" for 40 miles then a "PHEV" afterwards. It is still unique and thusly named EREV.
Hmm makes one wonder what the karmic impact of such a statement might be, especially from someone that already said others were earning negative karma.