I'm not even sure Sher has one left . . . Several years ago, I saw Sher in person . . . 10 -15 feet away . . . walking through Harvey’s Casino at South Shore Lake Tahoe. Of course there was a little buzz in the air . . . but as she passed, it looked as if people has just bitten into a very sour lemon. She was wearing a mini-skirt and her legs were so skinny it was repulsive. I wonder if she really did have a rear end for attaching them twigs. Stick figure legs dropping straight down from opposite corners of a mini-skirt is not an esthetically pleasing look. [insert several former "Puke" smilies here]
This one's almost, uh, spent. And Bill has as many votes as Clooney, Pitt and Connery combined! Hope he sees this when/if he gets on tonight!
I voted for Sean Connery, even though I am a traditional male. I'm not even going to explain that one, either. You figure it out
Sheesh, something about that Hybrid Synergy Drive thing stuck to his forehead that makes Prius women go all weak at the knees. Must be a gurrrrrl thang. <_<
Just her and me on leather faced prius seats parked at lovers point Capt. Cunninglinguist [attachmentid=2531] Jennifer L. Hewitt Ohh sorry started to fade there for a moment... Im ok Im back to reality!