I went to Toyota this past weekend for my 5K Service. While I was waiting I was wandering around the parking lot to see if I could find any Prius Cs or PIPs. I didn't find either one. I heard that they go out as fast as they come in. But, what I did find was a Blue Prius III Model 3 with aftermarket red leather seats. Take a look at the the picture. Sorry for the reflection of the stripes in my shirt. When I went back in to the dealership and asked them about the car, they called them Superman seats because of the color. I just though that I would share them with the community!
VERY nice. Too bad you didn't get a picture with the outside color included. I would love to see this on a white Prius. Nice find!
It was the darker blue color. With all of the reflections from the windows it was impossible to get a good picture. That's why I had to shield the reflections with my body in order to take that picture.
They look brown in your pic. Were they RED RED or more of a reddish brown color? Seems like a true red would clash with the blue exterior... or like they said... look like superman. lol But a true red on black, gray or white would look sweet.
Guessing that the true color is not coming thru, since the dealership called them "superman seats". I am sure that a true red looks good in some cars, in particular sporty cars. That being said I had a '78 Buick Century Fastaback Coupe in white with a bright red interior! back then it was a good look IMO. Showing my age, but do miss the the time of front bench seats. But with mandatory seatbelt laws, the are generations that have missed out on snuggling during a drive.
Ya, i'm 38, but I watch Mad Men on tv and see the whole family sitting up front on the bench seat and with no seatbelts and it makes me cringe. lol
I've always thought those going with aftermarket leather should pick the more exotic colors, like red, burgundy, brownish red and even blue, not the boring gray or tan color that looks too much like factory.
Some how we survived. I will reach back to my VERY young days when we had a station wagon on road trips. We had the seats folded down and a cushioned floor mat and my sister and I having fun rolling around playing with toys and games. We survived without being strapped in watching DVD's in our own seats. Just how much do we save ourselves from our choices? Yes, protecting children is a good cause. But t what cost?
There is no cost. The cost was paid by those in cars poorly designed. Just remember, those who "paid the price" for no seatbelts are not with us anymore to complain. Many ended up with controls imbedded in their foreheads, or their heads smashed by steel dashes. Not a pretty sight! The cars of today are amazing, especially at the speeds people drive now. The cars of the 50s and 60s, and even to some extent the 70s, while evoking -good- memories (we DO automatically try to forget the bad), were not well thought out and were downright dangerous if involved in a crash. While he was a bit of an exagerator, Ralph was correct when he titled his book "Unsafe at any speed".
I took my Dad's NEW 76 Caprice Estate wagon to my Jr. prom. It had a 454 V* and would pass everything but a gas station. That car was 6.000 Lbs empty. It would just float over bumps. And yes my date sat right next to me on the front couch. I remember you could put a 4x8 sheet of plywood in it and still close the power folding rear door and glass.
The problem is color might hurt the resale or trade in value, not everyone would like a red or blue scheme, but grays, blacks and beige that look OE will probably enhance the resale value.
Red leather in a white car could be stunning. My old MGB had that combination. But to look good the red leather should be incorporated elsewhere in the interior-IMHO.
Red in a white Prius would look good, very old school! Of course you would replace the fabric door panels with red leather as well, chrome the power window buttons and assembly, heck, chrome everything!
I, too, would LOVE to see some more exotic colors (and/or designs) in the leather from those who do aftermarket leather. I've toyed with the idea, but I have enough things going on my car right now to think very much about adding more leather to the list! lol! I think the FIAT commercials lately have shown some cool interiors. In my white Prius, I'd go for something fairly bold, most likely, such as some type of black/white combination: Anyhow....I can picture any of those interiors in my car!
I thought about going red but the seatcovers I found weren't the right red. If you're going custom it would be great to pick just the right shade. I also agree you need other red in the car. You can't just plop another color in there, without grounding it.
I feel for you! I had a yellow Duster—3 on the tree! Thing died on the side of the freeway and was sold for scrap.
For my prom it was a 1965 Ford Galaxie 500 XL - maroon, black "leather" hardtop, 352. Burnesd as much water as gas. It had those new fangled things: bucket seats. Oh, and it was only four years old. I just found an Internet picture on a ANTIQUE car site. That isn't cool!