I am curious if there is anyone who already found that rattle from driver side cargo? Could anyone help fix this?
A good place to start: Buy a yard or two of remnant felt or similar thick fabric. Should cost about a dollar. Remove the spare tire. Remove the white plastic styrofoam beneath the spare, and wrap it in the felt. Nobody's going to judge you for beauty, just get most of it wrapped so the styrofoam can't squeak. Replace the spare. Drive car, determine if the rattle is reduced.
Is there anyone who can provide a picture indicates a right location or spot? I am just confused :{ because I would mention that rattle happens when regular driving. I checked both side of cargo, then I heard sound when I pressed the plastic on the driver side cargo as the picture than passenger side.
Rebound nailed it, take the mat out of the back of the car, then the spare tire cover, it folds up, then the plastic storage area, then unscrew the spare and remove the spare tire tools and the spare, now apply the felt, I used rubber sound absorbent, it's an echo chamber under that storage area and any noise is being amplified, sound deadening will cure it.
It was not there. I found the solution and the click and rattle gone. How can i remove the plastic and insert soundproofing things.