Does anyone out there have the cargo net for the Prius V? I'm thinking about getting one, but having never used one before, I can't tell how well they actually work. It seems like the netting is kind of loose... in the sense that it doesn't seem like it'd do much for holding up the groceries upon taking a turn, but that it'd keep all of the spilled items from spreading across the entire back cargo area. Hopefully that makes sense. Thanks for your input!
If it's the same design as the net used on previous models, I'd say it's not as useful as you might think. It does a good job of holding small items in place, so it can come in handy, but there are a couple of drawbacks. As the net moves back and forth with acceleration and braking, things tend to thump against the inside of the hatch. What appears to be a great place to safely store fruits and vegetables on the way home ends up being a torture device. Also, it makes the 'liftover' height much higher, so that it becomes more difficult to reach over it with larger items. I found that the net can be located against the seatbacks, but then it's a long reach to get anything in or out. If the design on the v is totally different from the one I've used on the Gen II, please disregard my comments and accept my apologies for not knowing what I'm talking about.
Our 2010 Prius came with a cargo net, the Toyota one I think. I've never used it. We've got a couple of blankets in the back: one lining the floor to keep it clean, the other loose, folded. If there's something that might start rolling I'll throw the second one over it.
I have the cargo net on my v.. works well for up to 4 bags of groceries (the bring your own Whole Foods type bags). Easy to remove when not needed. I would buy again.
I didn't have the tools to install the hooks, so I just placed the cargo net towards the rear, immediately in front of the back seats by hooking them up to where the seat belt holders are. It works fine this way. I just hope those flimsy pieces of plastic don't snap off.
I don't think I'd trust that thin plastic, myself... I have the net, and I used to use a similar one in my pickup (with a shell). It's not all that great for carrying a lot of cargo, but it is good for fragile things that you don't want to shift. Typically I'll put gallons of milk, bottles, etc. there. One thing to be aware of is that this net is very close to the hatch, if you're not careful, the laden net can sag outward and get smacked by the closing hatch.
I have a cargo net my 2010 Prius IV as well as my 2012 Prius it and would buy gets the job done.
The Cargo net came with my V and I use it when it makes sense. Hate having things rolling around loose in the hatch. As others have said, it is right at the back, so there is typically contact from the hatch when you close where you put the eggs!
Based on some of the above comments, it seems like the better placement for the cargo net would be towards the back of the cargo area immediately in front of the rear seats. However, there does not seem to be a place to install the hooks. As I stated earlier, I have been using the plastic seat belt holder. It's been a couple of weeks, and it seems to be ok. Like some others, my Prius v3 came with the cargo net, but even if it didn't, I probably would have bought one. Before I installed the cargo net, I loaded up some groceries, and sure enough, the bag with apples tipped over, and for the rest of the ride, I had to listen to those apples clanging around in the back. It seems like the cargo net does a good job in preventing bags from tipping over and sliding around.