I'll weigh in on this, since the thread is hijacked anyway. Nobody in Portland buys snow tires unless they do a lot of skiing or other traveling in the mountains in the winter. It snows maybe once or twice in the winter. Sometimes not at all. When it does snow, the entire city shuts down because hardly anyone knows how to drive in it. People do stupid things like abandoning their cars in the middle of the road, making every street an interesting obstacle course. Because it's not usually all that cold here, the snow is wet and packs quickly into ice. I grew up in SE Idaho, where it snows -- a lot -- every winter. I learned how to drive on ice and snow. I always think snow days in Portland are rather amusing. I try to avoid driving when it snows and the idiots are out in force, but a couple of winters ago I got stuck downtown and had to drive home through about 6" of snow. It's 12 miles to my house, up and down hills. I was pleasantly surprised by how well my 2005 Prius handled. Although it took me a long, long time to get home (see prior paragraph re: idiots), I really didn't have much problem. I managed to get through places where others were getting stuck or spinning out. Some of that was probably experience. But some, I think, was the Prius. I don't think it's an "ideal" car for snow -- I'm not sure there is such a beast. But it certainly held its own.
I don't think you really understood the comments in this Forum. The Prius is a car that you can drive and go just live any other car. Many of the comments in the Forum are by people who enjoy maximizing the mileage.
It"s sad that Accomac does not get it, even if you have a big foot, you still can save money. Me and my wife enjoy the PRIUS so much, getting over 50 MPG, We just got finished buying another for$ 23,014.14 + TT&L. We got over $ 3,000.00 off of MSRP on a new 2011 PRIUS two; in Austin, Texas. It's hard to find a car lot and buy a new car or truck and drive-out for under $25,000.00.... I'm saving money 2 ways...:cheer2:....I'm happy!!:cheer2:
Well put. I believe if we had to choose an "ideal" vehicle for ice and snow. The two would probably be different. For deep snow 4WD works a little better than AWD and obviously ground clearance is very important. I would say any SUV/truck with a very sophisticated 4WD managing system would be best for this. For ice, ground clearance doesn't matter and AWD is best. Something like a Suburu would probably be as close to ideal as possible.
It was a troll. Why else would someone say that they put money down on one and then post a " Bye, Prius sucks!" message?
I think if we borrowed some traction control technology from those 'other' hybrids - diesel/electric railway locomotives - and used it with an electric motor on each of four wheels, we'd have the ultimate system for all seasons. Still, its success would depend on using the right tires for the conditions.
And a specialized compartment for the battery, insulated from the general cold, but able to vent its heat so it would be at the right temperature to get peak efficiency.
I bought my Prius in 2004. I drive it just like I would drive any other car. Except that it burns less gas than any other car. (Except an EV, of course, which burns no gas at all.) The Prius is exactly what you thought it was when you first put down your deposit, before reading all the fancy stuff that people can do to get even better mpg. I don't do hypermiling. I don't do any of that stuff. I get 50 mph on long highway trips, 45 in the city in summer, and around 40 or 42 on short trips in cold weather, although nowadays I only use the Prius for extended road trips because I drive an EV in the city. You can treat the Prius exactly the way you'd treat any other car, and you'll burn 3/4 to 1/2 as much gas, depending on what car you're comparing it to. As for snow tires, that subject has nothing to do with the Prius. Use them if you used them on your previous car. Otherwise don't. The Prius does very well on ice. Any car will do better with snow tires than with summer tires if you are driving on snow or ice.
Nothing is safe on ice. I personally wouldnt even put chains on to go out in it. Take a look at this. I believe the emergency vehicles are the only ones with chains on.
It is amusing that a supportive website is a reason NOT to buy a car. Next he will complain that it has a warranty! And bumpers, you just KNOW a car is defective if it has to have bumpers! Must be a slow day in Detroit.
I think you gave up too soon. I can't speak about snow and snow tires, cause it doesn't snow here, but.. I just finished a tank with quite a bit of highway driving around the SF Bay Area during bike shopping and for parts. No stress, no special techniques. I was anywhere from low 60s to high 60's sometimes 70 MPH on freeway. Quite a bit of city miles also, quite a bit of horrible city traffic. I went 524.2 miles and pumped in 9.437 to refill for 55.5 MPG actual average miles per gallon. No other car can touch that without being plug-in
I think there is something to be learned from this: When explaining extreme mpg techniques, it should be stressed that such things are for people who want the highest possible mpg, and that the Prius is still more fuel-efficient than any other car except an electric one.
Sorry to post again on the troll thread, but no. I am opposed to dumbing down PriusChat for the trolls.
Amen! Two days since a single post! He is laughing his nice person off with all these posts. I came in today to see if there was any other posts from the OP, giving him the benefit of the doubt... There are Prius haters out there... In my own social club I belong to that is evident. A few weeks ago we were at a happy hour gathering and talk turned to buying new cars. My Prius was VERY dissed by one member. A friend that just bought a Hyundai around the same time I bought my Prius sent me a note apologizing for the dissing. Though it was not him... I bought my Prius knowing that long term I would be facing $4-5 a gallon for gas for the 10 years I plan on owning it. Now that we are facing $3.80 or less a gallon; it means that my fiancé and I can now take a day trip to the beach 300 miles r/t away and not even think about it! Given her choice of car that she is thinking a out that she dissed my Prius over (forgot which) - but she was talking about 40mpg EPA highway. The friend that gave support in the dissing realizes we all have our comfort zones on mpg cost. For me I like my Fuelly average of 50.3mpg. As I learn more I know that I can earn a badge for mpg. Close to a fill up doing my commute and some extra driving - and looking at 57mpg according to the MFD. In the end this OP should have done his own test by doing a rental to decide for himself. To that end I plan on doing a test tank driving the way the way of the rest of the idiots do in this area. I will turn off the MFD display. I will not worry about warm up, worry about 10mph driving in our condo community, I won't be concerned about coasting to known traffic lights in my area, I will accelerate has hard as others in the area do - with no gain the end... In the end, being like the rest. Not sure if my nerves can stand it. I mean driving the Prius the way most others may drive their cars, I know I would like to know what my Prius can deliver when I am not looking for the best mpg.
I'm thinking that this "one post wonder" just threw a turd into the swimming pool to see how many people would shriek and jump out. One of the things about the Prius community is that their owners can be a little on the fanatical side. Judging by MY fuel efficiencies, and most of the "Fuelly" sigs that I run into....most of the Prius drivers are the gas-n-go type rather than the dedicated, over-inflating, grill blocking, pulse and gliders. I've found that if you drive it like you stole it, you'll get about 40-45mpg. The Prius has some down-sides to be sure, but also to be sure....being overly complicated to drive isn't one of them. It isn't exactly a chore to drive a Prius, but it doesn't exactly stimulate the average gear-head either. Even when driven like a normal car, it will achieve above normal fuel efficiency. It is what it is. Yeah.....the OP is a troll. Don't give him or her the pleasure of getting your bloomers all in a bunch!