Any thing better than Scotch Gard? Did not get the dealer paint and fabric protectant insurance. Outside - on 2nd coat of Klasse SG. Looks great. Wondering what to use on the fabric - seats and carpet. Thanks.
I usually use Scotch Gard. Has worked for years. If the seats get really dirty, a damp rag with some diluted simple green works wonders to clean cloth seats.
I'm presently on vacation but will be returning to my new C that awaits me at the dealer next week. Before I left the dealer called me to offer those treatments. Price: $750. I politely told them to stuff it. I have been wondering what to use to protect the softer seats. Scotch guard for sorted too?
I don't think Scotch Gard would work well on the Softex seats, which is basically a high tech Vinyl seat. Good question as to what would work well on those.
My prius C3 comes to port on the 7th and the dealer the 14th or 15th. I plan on buying a couple cans of the scotch guard and applying first thing. I was looking at seat covers, but once I test drove the 3, I really liked to light blue/grey seats and really don't want to cover them up. The scotch guard had gotten really good reviews and a lot of people swear by it.