Hello, I would like to get a 2006 look with my prius 2004 by changing the tail light with a 2006-2008 assembly. Will this fit on the 2004 prius?
menardsy, The 2004-2005 to/from 2006-2009 tail light switch is an easy plug-and- play operation. Here is a thread with pictures on how to remove/replace the Gen II tail light assemblies: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...423-2007-tail-light-removal-instructions.html FWIW, a couple of years ago I changed my '08 lenses to '06s. I guess that there's no accounting for tastes. Also, the Search Tool is your friend. Using "tail light replacement" as the search term will generate a long list of threads on this topic on Gen IIs for further reading.
Well, you are right. I just asked my wife what she prefer between the 2004 and a 2008 and she said the 2004. I guess I`ll stay with the 2004 look for a while...