Just bought myself the 2012 Prius III w/ MFD + nav But i do have a couple questions. 1. In the phonebook, the names were displayed last name first. Can I set it to show first name first? 2. When I connect my iPhone4s via USB, iPod music automatically plays. Any way to turn this off? 3. When my phone is connected via USB, its audio is rerouted to the car's speakers when i play music through iPod/BT source. I can't hear anything from the phone when I am listening to the radio. Is there any way to prevent the phone's audio from rerouting to the car? 4. Noticed there isn't anything that indicates the engine's temperature. How do I know if the engine is warmed up, or should I even warm up the engine before going?
Slick, I can answer #4 from I have learned here, no warm up necessary. Start and drive. #1 - I'll have to check today, but I think mine are first, last.
You don't. You'd need something like ScanGaugeII : Linear Logic - Home of the ScanGauge (I have one) or OBD2 dongles that work w/smartphones (and the right app, like Torque for Android) in order to get the engine or coolant temp. I don't warm up the engine. I just go. Why do I want to sit burning fuel getting 0 mpg?
#2 this happens to me when I plug in the phone after starting the car. If I plug the phone in before startup, it does the last thing the car was doing when I turned it off. (In other words, try plugging in the phone before you start the car and see if it still happens.)
Oh, nice catch. Ill have to keep that in mind. Thanks! Now if someone can help me with #3, thatd be awesome!
I am not sure I understand the question. When "listening to the radio" are you on the phone? When I get or make a call "USB or BT" the radio mutes which I like. Is that not what yours does?
What I meant was, when I'm listening to the radio with my iPhone plugged in via USB, audio from the phone doesn't play (eg. alerts).