I read many of your posts of availability of package8, but all of the inventory in SE Toyota is only package 7. They say if you want leather, you have to have it port installed in Jacksonville. Dealers say the owner of SE Toyota will not bring any in from the factory with leather. Port installed leather is more expensive and doesn't cover the center console or arm rests, don't know about the steering wheel. Also, nearly all the package 7s have the rediculous twin dvd system in the rear headrests making the cars excessively costly, another $2000 option, along with a bunch of other unnecessary SE Toyota add ons. Does anyone know if I will be able to get package 8 in this region? Should I be looking elsewhere and making the drive home?
can't help about package 8, but your dealer CAN take off the extras - they are lying if they say they cant. ernie palmers internet sales folk assured me (in writing) that all those extras are removable before it gets to port
Any dealer can, if they're willing to do so, special order a car with the package (or no package) you want directly from the factory. You should expect to wait at least an extra two months. (Figure on 4 months) It is possible that the factory will not be taking special orders for a few months. Different dealers will likely give different answers so shop around.
SET is in their own little world... if you want a package they don't offer, head over to another franchise. where are you located?
I am in the SE region and they are pretty bad. You can't find one with the $600 Toyoguard option either. After-market leather may be a better option. It could be cheaper and may include the steering wheel, center console, etc. Check your dealer for vendors.
Just cuirous, what is the twin dvd system in the rear headrests all about.... never heard it brought up here before
The twin dvd system is something that SE Toyota does in their Jacksonville, FL processing facilty. It would be similar as something that would be done at a higher end auto electronics aftermarket shop. All Toyota dealers in the SE 5 state region must receive all vehicles from SE Toyota (who orders them from the factory, does their mods, add ons, etc.) No SE Toyota dealer may receive a vehicle directly from the factory. The dealer invoice pricing for Toyotas are always more expensive that in other areas of the country when the vehicles come factory direct (Gulf State Toyota Region excepted).
The headrest DVD was mentioned a few times, but don't ask me to find the post. The SE region issues are a pain. The extended warranty we get is not Toyota's. But I do bet they can take things off that you don't want, and you could strongly explain (threaten?) that you'll take your business elsewhere, to another state even, if you have to.
SE Dealer Just Called; "My Silver Package 8 arrived, sort of" There's no secret that the SE region is privately owned and it certainly appears that they're planning to make the "port installed leather" a profit center for the 06's. My dealer told me there isn't one package 8 in the Southeast region, even though they're plentyful in the West. My dealer said there's no difference between a 7 with "port leather" and an 8. DON'T BE FOOLED - THERE'S A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A PACKAGE 7 WITH PORT LEATHER AND A PACKAGE 8 Don't let anyone tell you different. I've seen an 06 with SE "port leather", which retains the cloth side and center armrests and does not have the leather steering wheel. In addition, the gray port leather I saw did not match the gray cloth fabric arm rests. I'm off to my dealer tomorrow morning to pass on the phoney package 8, unless they're prepared to install matching factory leather arm rests and install the leather steering wheel at no premium above a package 8. I urge everyone waiting for a SE Toyota package 8 to do the same, otherwise they'll just keep ripping off all Southeast Prius owners (and dealers).
Also the "port added" leather is more expensive than the factory leather, even though you get less and reported by Vincent