So im 18 and im looking into a 2010 prius III im in NJ so i read of that theres no sales tax and state tax? if i walk into a dealership i wouldn't pay the 7% sales tax? ... is there anything i should know about? id like to inform my parents about the Pros and Cons i read a little and saw hybrids get a lane on the highway or something but im concerned in the financial .. is there anything when income tax time comes? obviously since im 18 i dont have credentials or anything but if i filed in NJ is there anything i could benefit from?
If you mean federal income tax, the answer is no. The feds used to have a tax credit for new hybrids, but that program expired a while back, and the credit for the Prius expired several years before the 2010 was built. The feds still have a credit for the Plug-In Prius, Chevy Volt, Nissan Leaf, etc, but you'd have to buy new, not used. I can't help for any NJ specific benefits.
NJ does not have any credit -- you pay the 7% tax. Just so you know NJ taxes everything -- moving or stationary ....... in fact they tax you went you leave ..... NJ has a tax on real estate if you are not purchasing another in NJ. When you purchase a use car in NJ (non dealer) the state will send you a tax bill based on the blue book - not what you paid. You do get the trade value when you purchase from a dealer. Sorry 7%
Wow , I thought we did, I did a google and I found an article that says its 79 million dollars if they did blah blah That sucks that 1500 could have really helped I do have to say finding a solar power sun roof is hard to come by , id really like to have it but only very very few I found have them I don't minds looking for higher mileage like 50xxx miles because I trust the Toyota reliability but so far not much is in my favor
A gen 2 Prius with 75k or so may be more doable for you, you'll get the same mpg benefits and the car will still last you years!
They had a bill to waive the tax -- but it was not put to a vote ..... unless it was put into something else ... I don't think NJ has any credits or adjustments. PA will give you $3500 - on an plug-in -- I was looking at a Volt and none are available in NJ ... Per the State of NJ tax office for 2012
The only thing I know you get in NJ for a hybrid (and I qualify too as a Virginian) is discount on your tolls via EasyPass. As mentioned above, if you go with EV such as Leaf/Volt?/iMEV then you get $7500 Fed + NJ sales tax off-set. So the there you could be talking $10000+ combined discount. Former South Jerseyan here.
Which cars are Imev? Mitsubishi? Im pretty solid on a 3rd gen too Do u think the solar roof is really worth it? Im struggling to find one but I dont think its a deal breaker if I dont find one but otd be nice to have one ... I look at III and IIII but not many .. If any have them
That's a complicated question, because of Toyota's packages. I have a2012 Four with Deluxe Solar. Love the solar vent, Love the HDD and sound system Love the HUD a lot, Like the sun roof, but seldom use it because usually get sun in eyes. Overall, glad I got it. You can't get just the solar.
The Green Pass EZ-Pass discount is available in New York State. The transponder is actually green plastic. Green Pass Discount Plan - New York State Thruway I see that you are in Virginia. You'd have to check with your local issuing authority to see if they offer anything like New York's discount. I couldn't immediately find anything about it by Googling. YMMV. Also: What discounts and discount plans are available to E-ZPass users at Port Authority bridges & tunnels? (George Washington Bridge, Lincoln Tunnel, Holland Tunnel, Goethals Bridge, Outerbridge Crossing, Bayonne Bridge) Port Authority NY/NJ Staten Island Bridges Plan The Port Authority NY/NJ Staten Island Bridges Plan (NY/NJ SIB Plan) is $47.50 for 10 trips ($4.75 per trip) in a 30-day period at the Goethals Bridge, Bayonne Bridge and Outerbridge Crossing. This reduced rate is available to all E-ZPass customers with non-commercial plates and private accounts who enroll in the plan in New York or New Jersey. Unused trips cannot be refunded. Green Pass Travel off-peak in a low-emission vehicle with the Green Pass and save. The Port Authority Green Pass Discount Plan rewards drivers using low-emission vehicles with a substantial discount. Drivers with qualifying vehicles who register for the Port Authority Green Pass Discount Plan will receive a green E-ZPass tag and be charged a specially discounted toll during off-peak hours. Green Pass customers are charged a $4 toll during off-peak hours. To enroll in the Port Authority Green Pass Discount Plan, call 800-333-8655 (New York Service Center). Be sure to have your account number or tag number and PIN for account access. The Port Authority Green Pass discount only applies to Port Authority bridges and tunnels, though your Green Pass can be used at any crossing or road that accepts E-ZPass as a form of toll payment. Vehicles that qualify for Green Pass are certified to the California Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (SULEV) standard and achieve a United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) highway fuel economy rating of 45 miles per gallon or more, or are pre-model year 2005 hybrid vehicles which are certified to the California Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) standard and achieve a USEPA highway fuel economy rating of 45 miles per gallon or more. All vehicles on New York's Clean Pass Program Vehicle Eligibility List are eligible for the Port Authority Green Pass Discount Plan.
Every time I run thru Chicago using my EZPass, the tolls are half the cost that are listed on the signs. Mike
Hi Steve- Each state seems to have different EZPass costs and benefits. Having lived in South Jersey for 25 years we still purchase our EZPass from NJ. Seems to be cheaper and you get some discounts if you are driving in NJ. To be honest we have not purchased the special NJ hybrid discount EZpass for our Prius, (we just use a regular one for both cars) but if we did we could get some NJ Tnpke discounts when we drive around NJ. For those unfamilar, EZPass is the toll road automatic payment system in use now most of Northeast states incl VA MD DE NJ NY PA WV (more states but that's my range).
I'd go for the Prius too. As far as solar roof I like the idea, but I think of the roof as a place for canoes and roof racks and bikes etc. So I would personally be concerned about breaking it.
EZ Pass in texas too but no discount for any vehicle vs another. And no HOV privileges either. Only motorcycles get that.