I need some advice. I am about to finish up my graduate studies here in Ohio, after which, my wife and I will be headed back to California. We are in desperate need of a second car, but have decided to wait until we move to get one. My wonderful in laws have said that they are willing to split the cost of a new car with us. With that said, we have already decided that we want to get a Prius, but we can't decide which one. We both really like the V. We love how roomy the car is. This is very important to us because we are going to start a family soon. However, we also like the regular Prius and the PiP. I really like the PiP but am a little concerned about the new batteries, and I am not sure that I want to pay the early adapter premium assuming one is even available. But, only paying half for a PiP sounds rather tempting. Considering all that I just said, if you were in my shoes what car would you get and why?
If you purchase the car in California, you will have commuter lane access until 2015, and the $4,000 in incentives should reduce the price below that of the Prius Five... although I don't know if you mean Prius V or Five.
I think if I were in your shoes, I'd go with a Prius v. You already like the roominess of the v so anything less you will probably consider small. You said it would be a second car, so I guess that also depends on what your first car is. If its roomy, then I would say that starting a family, I dont think you need 2 roomy cars. However, with that said, I think the PiP would be roomy enough for 1 or 2 kids. The back should be able to hold a good sized stroller (although I wouldnt get a giant stroller.. stay away from those travel systems with the strollers that barely fold down) and a diaper bag. If you want the PiP, it would work for you, for sure. But if your primary concern is space and roominess, I would go with the v.
I'd get the PiP because it is very roomy. By the time your kids are big enough to outgrow it, you'll be ready for a new car anyway ( ~10 yrs down the road?). That is, unless you plan on having 3 kids right away. If 2 kids, then PiP will work nicely. If 3 kids, then after 5 yrs, you'd need the extra room of the Prius v. But, by that time, maybe your 1st car will need replacing. Can't underestimate the usage of the car pool lane - and the resale value this adds to the car.
That's reassuring that the PiP would be large enough for a stroller and a car seat. I know our other car would easily fit a car seat, but it only gets 19 mpg.
I surprised myself and fit a 16" diameter telescope and the support stand in the Prius. The scope is 6 ft long. I tried it just for kicks and it actually fit.
I think a lot depends on how you plan to use this vehicle. For instance, if you are going to have a short commute and wouldn't use the carpool lanes, I would think the v would be the more practical vehicle. If you are planning to utilize the green sticker, then I think that would tip the scales in the PiP's favor. You'd be sacrificing a little bit of room and would be paying a bit more, but you'd have better gas mileage, and you'd save yourself some time.
But, if he does have a short commute, then he could probably drive a majority of the miles gas-free with the PiP.
I agree I need to know exactly what my commute is going to be. Distance to work will definitely be a consideration when we are looking at homes. I do know that we would be driving from the Bay area to Orange County every year, so with that in mind is the PiP the best choice? I mean ideally we would have both a PiP and a V wagon but we that won't happen until we replace the care have now.