Does anyone know how to suspend the navigation in a base PIP? So far all I can do is turn the volume off. My old 2004 Prius had a specific suspend button which I often used.
Ya that one is annoying.. took a moment to figure out too. Wish they would have a better way to cancel navigation.
On my PIP the stop guidance wipes out the destination, so if continuing to the previous destination, it must be entered a second time. Very frustrating if making an unscheduled deviation from the path prescribed by the navigation system.
Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to get a good look at the lower end nav system on the '12 Priuses (similar or the same as the one on the base PiP?). It does look TOTALLY different than the one on my of 06. On my 06, the voice command suspend guidance would work. I also believe delete destination would work too, but I don't use that. I wonder if there's a similar voice command on your nav system.
Just click on Destinations, My Destinations, Previous. At the top of the list is your most recent destination. Select it and you are back to your destination.
Yes, this can be done, but doesn't one have to stop and enter the new destination? Also, what if you had several other destinations as waypoints? With the old suspend, on the move I could effectively turn off navigation and turn it on again easily.
I wish that the 2013 model would have a programmable button on the dashboard, which I would use to suspend guidance. It should be a quick setting, not one obtained thru a flowchart or tree.