Can the default time to edit your post before the "last edited" autotext shows up on a post be increased? It's only like a minute or so. Sometimes I write a post and even though I've proofread, I may want to add something, re-word something or in general fix what I typed. If we don't do it super fast the auto edited text appears. Can't it be something more reasonable like 5 minutes or something? I'm a member of other vbulletin forums and this one has the shortest time-to-edit timeout I've ever seen. Thanks
??? I've edited posts that were years old. My ship tracking post op#1 from 09 got edited almost daily for years. Other posts have been revised for clarity or errors. What's this timeout and why does it matter if it just says you've changed something?
I'm just picky I guess. I like the post to not say "last edited by" if it's not really all that necessary.. Most forums give you much more time to proof and add to your posts before marking them as "edited"