...I am saying even in EV mode it is not cleaner due to 50% coal in the national average fuel mix, not to mention serious drop-off in electrical MPGe efficiency with air cond or heat on.
Aside from all the Volt comments, for and against ... you have to admit that their sales for a 1st year car are finally coming around. sure it's incentivized ... but even tho it's high priced and over promised etc ... it's still selling. I'm the 1st to admit I can hardly believe it.
Well, don't forget, over in the EV/Hybrid/Alt Fuels Forum, which that was brought up, that presumes all of the electricity generation is from coal, which has been retorted that in the US, there are efforts to curb such things or taking into account some homes will use off-grid power such as solar panels or wind.
I think the promotional book for what it is, and is intended to be? Is fine. Is it just me? But when I first glanced at it, I thought the V symbol on the cover looked like a plane banking to the right. My first reaction was why does a Chevy VOLT promotion book have a stylized plane on the front? But besides that, I would say it's a bit unexciting, but fine. For a concept that seems to be promoting the idea that Owning a VOLT is a revolutionary act, the 1950's stylized instruction manual look is IMO very retro,- unrevolutionary. Kind of looks like an old owners manual. But does it get an idea and information about The Volt out? Sure.
Looks clearer in this image. And it's probably just a trick of my rapidly disintegrating mind, and the shading of the print, but the original image just strikes me as looking like a plane that is banking. That's not good or bad....just how it struck my eye.
WOW, you are right! I stared at your image for a bit, yes, I too can see the plane banking. DBCassidy
Who is your intended audience? Page three seems aimed at the "Ooh, Shiny" crowd. Can that crowd throw $ 40,000 at something because it has nice blue buttons? Don't belittle potential customers. Typo on page three. "sand needles" The logo does look like a plane, but I like planes. ************************************************ Should I assume that current hybrid drivers are considered a high probability market for the Volt? Can you share with us any demographic info on who has bought them so far? I tend to break Prius drivers into four main groups based on the reason they bought the car These groups are: Greenies: people who are concerned about their carbon footprint or global warming or something and want to do less damage while still driving a car. Techies: We have a lot of people here who are engineers/mechanics/scientifically inclined. They enjoy having a genuinely superior machine. Cheapies: People who drive a lot and don't want to spend as much on gas as they do on car payments Patriots: People who realize that sending big daily piles of money to people who hate and despise you may not be a sound long term strategy. There may be other motivations I just don't know about. In the media I see reference to people who "want to make a statement" or be cool or fashionable or something. I'm coming up on my third Prius and have never actually encountered these two anywhere. Do you have any interest in any of these groups as potential customers? Are there other markets you want to target? Give us a little something to work with here.