wow, there's alotta hatin' going on ! *I dislike -egotistical people -people who are cruel to to others -people who are greedy, do not share -people who are cruel to animals(especially cats) I <3 Cats -diesel fans who bash the prius/insight etc. get a f*n life ! -waiting for unreasonable periods -most vegetables
I find hate to be a strong word...but I do have a few pet peeves. - people who need to be the constant center of attention, and will do anything, including hurting others, to maintain status - hearing the term gay in place of stupid (I'm a straight woman....but it just sounds ignorant) - prepositions at the end of sentences....(Where at? etc.) and using the wrong its (it is=it's its possessive=its) <--still catch myself doing that but I'm working on it - drivers who run up and then swerve in at the last minute without a signal I also find pleasure in the simple things in life. - A good night in with friends - A debate with well thought out discussion, as opposed to ranting.
Hate is a strong word. But the three things that annoy me the most are: 1. Those who can't say one sentence without using the word "like" other than for it's intended use. "It was like, I really could not stand it when he did that". 2. Cell phones 3. Oblivions: Those people who are totally oblivious to the fact that there are other people besides them who share the planet! I could add one more, not intending to sound racist at all, but people who say "AXE" instead of "ASK" drive me nuts!
I am with you here. How about "Chile" instead of "Child". How about using "loose" in place of "lose". Hey people, you LOSE the screw that was LOOSE in your head. :angry:
jeepers.... Wow. Pet peeves are one thing, but being judgemental about the *way people speak* ?? Peoples speech patterns are formed by i) physical characteristics of the palate and vocal chords ii) lingusitic exposure. This often has a social, cultural and geographic bias. I love such diversity, it adds character and flavour to our at-times dour language. I myself speak English with a mixture of an Australian and Turkish Cypriot accent. Its definitely very characteristic of the aformentioned social, cultural and geographic influences. saying these things irritate you is quite frankly, worrying. What next, poor people are bad, people without certain hair and eye colours are bad... ? Is this the type of things you say to your kids.... "be careful of those people son, they cant speak our english language correctly, and I hate it...." The factors mentioned in i) and ii) are difficult to change on a whim.
I have a remedy for that: Get a horn-in-a-can (boat horn), and when someone like this pulls up next to you, point the horn at them and..... Just hope you don't hear something even louder, like a gunshot. I dislike... no, I hate the commercialization of Christmas. I really dislike hypocrites. I read an article a couple of days ago about a church group picketing Wal-Mart because the corp is using "Holidays" instead of "Christmas" in their ads. There was a quote from a church member... something about how people have forgotten the meaning of Christmas. And this guy was wearing a Santa costume!!!!! I love using extended ellipses at the end of sentences..... And I love galaxee's new avatar!!
World War II veterans driving Toyota Camry's and Avalons. Toyota selling itself as an American Company. Politicians who are convinced record trade deficits are somehow a benefit to the US Anyone who shops at Wal-mart. People who whine about their careers and/or jobs.
I dislike: Loud people using cell phones in restaurants People that fart in movie theaters and there is no place for me to go People that do not wash their hands after using a restroom People that merge on a highway and think the right lane is not usable so they go over into the middle lane and accelerate S L O W L Y People that circle malls looking for the closest spot. Park in the first space you see idiot!! The person in front of me that can't decide what he wants to order at the fast food drive thru People that split orders on the express lane at the supermarket Slow cashiers Press 2 for Spanish (that I really hate) This is AMERICA!!! Voice mail hell! Morons that wake up at the crack of dawn to be the first in line at Walmart the day after Thanksgiving (IDIOTS!!) Trendy restaurants that charge $39.00 for two ounces of food Salads that cost 12.00 at a trendy restaurant People that think diesel cars are better than hybrids (are they nuts???) That's all for now... will think of some others! Merry Christmas/Happy Chanukah
Thank you, and I put up a New Year's resolution to be more tolerant. I will stop fuming about how people say words...Can I still be upset about people who use the "wrong" word? Lose, Loose..Regardless and irregardless????
I am intolerant, in fact downright nasty, towards ideologues. That, unfortunately, seems to encompass a rather large swath of america. And as for people that condone torture -- well let's just say I wish the reverse golden rule on them.
Language is dynamic. Gay didn't always mean male homosexual. Perhaps someday I'll be able to say "that's queer" referring to politically correct thinking. Merry Christmas.
True, but my son sometimes says 'gay' as a noncommital way to be negative, at the same time that he would define one of it's meanings as homosexual. The connection is there, and is insidious. Since my home actively teaches and encourages homosexual tolerance, I ask him to find another way to describe his disatisfaction of the moment. 'Queer' has always been a perjorative, so would more likely come to be associated with right-wing, wacko-religious neo-cons -- don't you think ?
I hate what this government is doing to the environment what it is doing to our place in the world what it is doing to those in poverty what it is doing to line the pockets of the already rich what is is not doing for the sick, and the elderly I hate that the notion that all persons are created equal and entitled to the persuit of happiness does not apply to gays and lesbians. I hate that when we look at a little sperm on a dress and a president who has disregarded the constitution, who has lied and who has abused power we chose the former to impeach I love what we are doing as community to over come these and that some parts of the senate are concerned about our civil rights and I love and charish that I still have the right to say these things (perhaps not for long)
"Nobody loves me" "Every body hates me" "Think I'll go eat worms" "Big long wiggly ones" "Big long slimy ones" ......remember that song??? hate is a very serious word... Happy Holidays
Ever consider hate and fear go hand in hand. Ever notice how our government is trying to equate violence, the same stuff we have seen all of our lives in one way or the other, to terror?....and further to protect us from terror (a form of hate) by instilling fear in all of us? For example, by saying we need the Patriot Act to protect you? Ever consider that this current government has a stake in this? To enhance its own image and relevance? What is at stake is only our constitution and our freedoms. Don't believe me? See this recent news item Now that is something to hate. Everything else pales in comparison. If you don't pay attention to history, you're doomed to repeat it! This is starting to look a lot like what happened during World War II in Germany where they needed papers to travel from one place to another. And for what reason? We spend way too much time hating things we shouldn't. I know this thread was supposed to be done tongue in cheek but after I saw that article above and read this thread I thought I would give my 2 cents worth of balance to that tongue in cheek. Hope you don't mind. I love this country and don't like how it is going down hill.