Has anyone tried to save a destination in the PIP's navigation unit? I've entered several destinations and saved them. However, they do not appear to have been saved. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Base or Advanced? I've saved Favorites on the Display Audio unit in my Base. Are you trying to do it from the phone?
I think you can save destinations in the "My Destinations" button (or something like that). It's the same place where you can save your "Home" destination. I have several saved there. Still, I think I like the navigation in my 2007 Prius better. One thing I miss is the ability to set multiple, sequential destinations. Another thing I miss is the turn-by-turn direction option. Plus the female voice in the older version sounded better.
Well, I just use my Garmin Nuvi, as I did in our 2010. A woman's voice, with an accent (!), and a constant speed display (and posted speed limit) which is not exaggerated like the speedo is, and free life-time map updates. I find the posted speed indication to be invaluable. I think Toyota could have done better in this area. Maybe at least offer different voices through the usb port or something...?
The base nav does ALL that and more. It's a great unit and 1 million x better than '07 Denso, IMHO. Yes read thru the manual and play around with it, you might be impressed
Sure, I've got the base Display Audio w/nav unit, I've saved many destinations to 'My Destinations' tab by address, touch position on map, and by Lat/Long coordinates. It all works perfect. They are all accessable while moving and via voice command by prepending the command "favorite....."
My 2010 Prius Navigation was 1000 times easier to use than my new 2014 Prius Plugin. Whats wrong with Add Destination. Save Destination and Destinations. If it Ain't Broke don't Fix it. I'm looking for a Navigation Tutorial or Video for the 2014 Plugin. Posted a new question about this earlier today. Anybody know where we can find it?
Sometimes, when I save nav destinations, it doesn't appear to have been saved either. I finally realized, you just have to scroll down. Even if you are looking at "Sara's House", and you want to go to "Dad's House", you still have to scroll down. Is it not in alphabetical order? I have no idea.