My dashboard light used to dim when I turned my headlights on (normal behavior). Now they go off altogether. Dangerous, n'est-ce pas? Has anybody else had this problem? Is it a known issue with, for example, a fuse or relay? I plan to take it in to the dealer on Monday if I can't find something on this forum can can throw any light (pun) on, such as a switch setting that might have got bumped (just went out of warranty last month). Thanks
There's a dimmer switch over to the left of the steering wheel. You slide it up and down to dim or brighten. Try that.
Thanks. Yes, I thought about that. The car is at the airport (wife is out of town on a trip - it's her car and she called me from the airport this morning with her tale of woe). When she gets back that's the first thing I'll try. Fingers crossed!
Likely what happened is the dimmer switch got turned all the way down. I just tried it in the car - if dimmer switch all way down with lights on, dash is blank. Turn lights off and dash comes on again. Roll the dimmer up (by left knee). should be fine.
I had the same thing happen to my car after a trip to a detailer. Sure enough, they had the switch turned way down. I automatically went to checking fuses and, after finding everything in order and then figuring it was a switch, adjusted the brightness. On the plus side, I also found the SKS switch which made me go to the manual to figure out what it was actually used for.
And, once you spin it up to full brightness, give it a nudge past the detent and the display stays at full brightness all of the time, even when the headlights are on. Hope this was the problem. Let us know either way...
Yep, that was it - turned all the way down! How it got like that she doesn't know............ :frusty: