Well, I didn't exactly make the best mileage during the 45 miles home from the dealership (bought her a bit out in the country from a dealership that worked very hard to track down and trade for exactly what I wanted), but I'm glad to have her home! This is the most excited I've been about a vehicle purchase in a decade, easily. Here are a couple pics. Guess that state capitol!
Looks great!! Did it come with tinted windows as they look tinted? Very nice ride & color. We just placed an order for our C3 in Moonglow and should arrive in a few weeks! What model did you get? Any accessories? First driving impressions, good or bad we want to hear them! Hmmm you in Kentucky?
It's a three, with the 15" alloy upgrade. Yep, it's silver. And yep, that's the factory tint on the windows. I think, by aftermarket terms, that would be 35%, which is perfect IMO. Plus it's what's legal in this state... And, no, it's not Kentucky. My initial first impression is very positive. Every bit as fun to drive as I remembered from the test drive, and continues to feel much bigger than it is. I'm a bigger guy and I feel as comfortable, if not more, than I did in my Tacoma. Very nearly (but not quite) as comfortable as our 2010 Prius two (wife's daily driver). And entune is great so far. Got connected to my iPhone no problem, though it needs to be plugged in if I want to tether Internet for bing/stocks/weather so far. I'll have to work on that. But, for music, you can't beat the idea of queueing up a song on iTunes, SoundCloud, whatever, putting your phone back in your pocket, and having your music just start playing via Bluetooth when you get in and turn on the car... Which also doesn't require getting anything out of your pocket, because of smartkey and push button start. Yeah, this thing's awesome.
Nice! Thanks for posting. Love the alloys too. I got the factory steel and covers - maybe in a few months...
not austin! but at least the last two guesses (texas and missouri) are in the right college football conference... starting this year anyway. consider that a hint.
LOL.. yay!! What did I win?? Please tell me it is that cool freebie duster thing that supposedly the dealerships were giving out.. lol
haha nope unfortunately i dont have any information about any dusters. you won a THANKS, which i guess is this message board's equivalent to karma.