Ahh the days were bliss since Saturday, when I bought my PIP. Could the honeymoon be over already? I walked to my car after work, to find that an IDIOT drove into it. And left. Without so much as an "I'm sorry" note. They might have put their car in reverse when they meant forward, or the other way around. Or maybe they just don't like hybrids. I'll never know. I must be the very first to have suffered a hit-and-run on a PIP! Five days!! Only five days!! And I just applied it protective coating yesterday! Luckily it's only scratched, it might have dented, with paint streaks on its plastic surface. But still!!!! I guess I could add bumper stickers all over the damage instead of fixing it, ARGH!!! It's just not the same!
That sucks.. I would definitely get it fixed or try to find a used, clean bumper cover to replace it. A lot of the paintless dent removal businesses also do minor paint repair. I've seen it done on a co-workers car and I couldnt tell there was a paint blemish there before. It does look like a lot of that may buff out (the stuff on the right). The marks on the left side look like actual paint damage, so that may be fixable.
Are there cameras watching the lot where you work? Sorry to see this, people can suck. If there are cameras I'd almost pay some security guy to see the tape alone to find out who, especially if another employee did it, and never say anything. Revenge is a bitch.
Sorry that happened. I'll pour a ceremonial shot of Don Julio Añejo in hopes of finding the offender. --- I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?tvtc2o
Ugh - my condolences. It is just a plastic bumper cover (urethane) and these come factory fresh, which is installed amd painted by a body shop... should be about $500 bucks to have it looking sweet agan. Report it to insurance company and risk a compromised CARFAX later when you go to resell. I'd fix it myself.
Very sorry to hear about that. Seems like there is a lot of paint from the perps car? Try to do a match up...
I think I might have been in tears... So sorry to hear you were probably the first. I hate parking lots. I usually try to park far away from other cars if possible. It drives my wife crazy...
That's terrible. I hope you are able to find out who did this and make them pay. IDIOT is right. As much as this sucks and would be unfair, I would get the bumper fixed by a professional. On the bright side, a good shop should be able to make this look like it never happened. I know, because I had to have two vehicles' bumpers repaired from an accident at home. I was waaaaaay more upset with that mishap than you are with this because I knew the culprit and the only way to maintain harmony ion the family was to get the repair done. I can't even tell there was any damage at all. Just in case you are thinking about repairing yourself --- don't. It would never look as good as what a good repair shop could do. Good luck.
Oh no that really sucks. I am so sorry. People are jerks!! I have a dent in mine (on the roof - from some anonymous kid with a ball, most likely) but it's nothing compared to this.
Ouch yikes. This area too. I will keep an eye out for blue car with white scrapes. PS- Nice license plates with the art work
Wow, that totally sucks. Bad karma will certainly be coming that person's way. I see a bad case of genital warts in their near future.
Sorry dude. Tell you what......I'll take it off your hands to save you the heartache. You deserve a brand new one