Please forgive my lack of computer/audio savvy, but here goes: My new 2012 II has USB port; someone mentioned to me that music files can be loaded on a flash drive gizmo, then played thru the audio system. Is this correct? Any tips on best way to do this? Help/advice with this greatly appreciated!
Just get a flash drive and plug it into the USB port on your computer and move MP3 files to it. Then plug it into your USB port on your car. Turn on your stereo and hit aux button and you should see the files on the USB drive. Select the song you want to start playing and you should be set.
Thanks for a prompt reply! However....when I read the fine print on my 8GB thumb drive, it says "works only with Windows OS"...I have a Mac. Now what? Are there available flash drives that I can load with my MacBook? Thanks again.
Hmmm. not sure about that. I've never seen a flashdrive that says it only works with Windows OS. If you plug the flashdrive into your Mac's USB port, you should be able to see it. Maybe you'll have to format it. I've never used a flashdrive with my macbook, but i'd give it a try anyway and see if it works.
Think the issue with flash drives is that they are formatted for Windows. Add to that most any head unit will be looking for a Windows based file system. Mac users need not worry in most cases. OSX should recognize a Windows formatted device for saving files to.
Not sure about the OS issues, but I've used a (Windows) flash drive on my 2010 for years; it might be you need to format your flash drive in FAT32 or FAT16. It does take a bit of time (up to 5-10 seconds) to scroll and skip through music files on the drive, though.
I have never seen a flash drive that is limited to either Windows or OS, which doesn't mean they don't exist. I have used flash drives from SanDisk, Kingston, etc., and have swapped them between Macs and PCs. Why don't you trying moving some of your mp3 format audio files onto the flash drive and then see if your Mac can read them. If so then you should be ok for use on the Prius. I just bought a 32g flash drive that I can load up all of my music and have available for access in the Prius. Just got to get that Prius...
I am using a 32GB flash drive in my 2012 and it works but it acts like I have it set for random play. In my Kenwood stereo in the 2005 the stereo plays the folders and songs in order. The 2012 just plays whatever it wants. I'll mess with it more tomorrow and see if there is a setting I missed.
When I plug the USB Thumb drive to the usb port, it reads the photos just fine on the pictures viewer. But on the mp3 files it does not read. The AUX and USB option on the Audio screen does not light up to be play. Does anyone know why or how to fix it?
I have a 16gb flash drive in my PiP. I have a folder for each album. The entune radio plays one entire album and then stops. So yes, it can handle folders. I suppose I could set up a playlist so it would do something after finishing the album...