I noticed on some threads the dash HSI trip screen shows CONS:mpg and Avg speed. My 2012 Prius III doesn't seem to show that. Do the 2012 models no longer have this info on the HSI screen? If they do, how do I display it?
Thanks Dennis, I tried that and it cycles through ODO, Trip A and B, but none show mpg consumption? Did they change the 2012?
Display button changes the screen from the power consumption arrows with the car illustration, to the eco gauge, to the settings screen, etc.
I still don't see a number for Avg mpg anywhere on the 2012? On the Eco screen I see the graph with bars but no actual number. Guess that's the only way now on the new 2012's? On the older 2010 you could see your Avg mpg in line with the ODO it seemed.
The bar graph is your instantaneous MPG, the CONS. (shown in above photo by d2mini) is the MPG since last trip ODO reset.
Exactly, I see everything except the CONS and the AVG. For some reason mine does not show in the 2012 Prius III. It only shows Trip miles and cost of fuel? Is this from a 2012 Prius?
YES, 2012. <------ If you look here you'll see I have a 2012 as well. When you are on the screen in the photo above, you use the TRIP button on your steering wheel to cycle through until you have that line of info, INCLUDING "CONS." If you still don't have it, the only thing I can think of anymore is talk to your dealer.
It's a setting that you can change. On the steering wheel, cycle through the screens with the DISP button. Stop at the SETTINGS screen. Push and hold to enter into the SETTINGS menu. The 3rd line down is FUEL CONSU. DISP. push and hold to enter this menu and select CONSUMP. ( Your car is currently set on ECO SAVINGS, you don't want this one ) Let it stand for 5 seconds and it will exit the menu. Scroll back to the HYBRID SYSTEM INDICATOR screen and toggle TRIP on the steering wheel. You'll see what you're looking for.
Changed the setting to CONSUMP and it worked, thanks. What do I set the COMP CONSUMP setting to? It wants me to input a # mpg to compare to something? I noticed when I put a number in here, the display that comes on when you power off the car shows SAVINGS instead of FUEL COST?
The number you enter is a mpg. So I have 23.1 (currently) to compare costs to the same trip if I had used my Outback. Always love seeing how many fuel dollars I have saved by driving my Prius.
That's exactly correct, if I could expand on that a 'bit. When you enter that Compared Fuel economy number, it shows the monthly gas savings compared to a car that you repalced or whicever car you want to compare. The data is then shown on the DISPLAY screen with the calendar and on the screen that's displayed once you turn the car off.