I'm suprised so many people have the color Black. All I see in the PNW is Driftwood Pearl and Silver.
Silver here. I just grabbed what was on the lot. I wouldn't have picked Silver but I like it. Here in Denver Seaside is the hot color. Driftwood is popular too. I also see a lot of white ones. Black is probably #4.
Seaside Pearl My cars have either been blue, grey or silver (it was called "Ice Crystal Blue" which looked like a bluish silver).
Seaside Pearl...although it is still "on the boat".....Dealer called two days ago and said it was arriving on the west coast Dec. 26th and should be here the second week of January. I was amazed that we are getting the color we ordered and the package (#4). I even had the choice of the light or darker interior. Chose the darker one..... I am pumped to finally get the car! Interesting... we passed on a silver 05 in Nov..... and a pine mica 06 two weeks ago....in order to take delivery in 06 for tax purposes. Really glad we waited because we are actually getting what we wanted!!!
I originally wanted a Tideland, but the dealer preordered a Driftwood ... I didn't know it at the time, but this is the colour I really wanted! Love it ... Knew I didn't want white: our provincial government has been buying white Prius for gov't business ..
Haven't got teh car yet, another month or two left... And I managed to put the wrong colour in the poll... :blink: I've got a Driftwood Pearl on order was wanting the magnetic Grey but then I had to wait until June/July for delivery... :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: And I managed to put Tideland Perl in the poll so +1 for Driftwood and -1 for Tideland... /Zappa
Just Voted I just saw my Barcelona Red at the dealer. Have to wait until New Year to get it, however for obvious reasons. I did get to sit in it. Boy, I think I am in love. It has the darker gray leather. Oh, it's a Pkg#8 (NW). My PAS (Prius Anticipation Syndrom) has gotten even worse since I actually saw it.
Wow, around here <SF bay area> you don't see many salsa red cars. Most are the Silver followed by blue and then grey, gold, black, white, and lastly red. Here at priuschat.com, however, Salsa red leads in the poll. I really like the salsa and turned down a silver and I could not be happier to have the least favorite color, at least, around here. I also added the white prius decals offered on this site now, as well as body painted side mouldings and am often stopped by other prius owners asking where I got them and wondering if they can too. They make the car more sporty somehow based on the the questions and remarks I've gotten. -Paul R. Haller-
What?!? Silver and Red tied? (if you add the two different versions of each color. 20 to 20 as of this moment). According to the Automotive News list of popular 2005 colors, Silver (26%) is twice as popular as red (13%). Prius owners are wild and crazy guys :blink: (in a good way!)
Really, what parts of the Bay Area do you normally drive? I see a lot of Salsa Red and Seaside in Palo Alto, more than black or white.
I cannot vote, yet. We haven't taken possession and are not fully decided on a color. LOL Our top choice right now is seaside pearl. But we still need to see Barcelona Red Metallic. Not to mention, timing will play a larger role in the color we end up with... Here (San Diego), I see mostly silver and black (in that order).