By default, at least on the 2010, it locks all doors when you shift out of P, and unlocks all doors when you shift into P. Either or both of these behaviors can be disabled, and two other features can be enabled as well (locking all doors when the car goes over 12 mph, unlocking all doors when the driver's door is opened right after turning the car off). Instructions are in the manual; this can be done yourself.
I don't know about the 2012, specifically, but my 2008 (and the previous Toyota I had) has a "lock" button on the driver's door, near the window buttons. There's also window lock buttons, to remove the element of choice from irritating passengers...
I always talk to my doors, all four of them, being careful not to show any preference, and assure them that I really, really like them.
There's options on the 2012 at least to have the car NOT unlock the doors when you shift to park. From the options I've seen, you can essentially have the car never automatically lock or unlock at all.
I always close them gently and say outloud, "Door?...You're Good Enough, You're Smart Enough, and Doggone It,- People like you!".
I can't seem to change the settings on my 2012 Prius Two either. Try the instructions in the thread above, maybe you can confirm that for some reason it doesn't work on 2012 models?
See Display Audio System Owners's Manual, 2nd Section (Nav), Setup Operation, Vehicle Settings, page 211. I can personally vouch that the 'Auto Unlock by Shift to P' function, On by default, can be turned Off in a 2012 Prius Three with Solar Sunroof. See the same book as above, 1st Section, (no Nav), page 117. Same choice as above, but I can't verify it on the non-Nav version.
Are you asking how to have the doors auto-lock, which is what responders have been answering. Or are you asking if someone outside the car can open a locked door because the key is inside? Would the the smart key mean that the door isn't really locked?
Just to rehash, if the cars in gear the doors are factory locked, if the cars in park or off the doors are unlocked (factory), but the lock-unlock button on the armrest will cycle the doors to ones desire.
Wait until you get some unintended appendage caught in one of those doors, as it is quickly closed. Getting a little skin in the game can also help broaden the vocabulary that you use when talking to your doors.
So if in Park, the doors can be opened from the outside. As far as the lock/unlock button, I would assume it would unlock as soon as someone touched the door handle if the key is inside the car.
As far as my 2012 GenIII Pkg 3 Nav/Solar/Moonroof goes, it is set to the default lock. This means that if ONLY the driver has a fob, and the driver unlocks the drivers door by touching the DRIVERS door ONLY, and gets in, NONE of the other doors can be opened unless the other person also has a key. The DRIVERS door will remain unlocked until I reach 12 miles an hour OR I use the lock switch in the door. On the other hand, if I unlock the back hatch, or the pasanger door, then ALL the doors will remain unlocked.
By default, yes. But you should be able to customize it so that after stopping (after the doors locked from motion) and entering Park, an outsider cannot do this. I would not assume this. Get another person to help you test the scenarios of concern. My understanding is that the car knows whether the fob is inside or outside. It unlocks when the fob approaches from the outside, not when a person touches the handle. But I haven't had the 2012 long enough to discover all its many differences from my first model.
My 2005 had the smart key system. I had it set so that if I opened the drivers door, only that door would unlock; but if I opened the passenger door or the hatch, all of the doors would unlock. If I opened the driver door and got in, a person approaching the passenger door could not open the door until I unlocked it, even though I had the key fob inside with me. I was so used to just opening up the door that I often forgot to unlock for the passenger until they tried the handle a couple of times. Don't know if it works the same on my 2012, but I would assume that it does.
Yes, the 2012 is the same. When my wife and I go together, and I am driving, and she does not take her fob with her, I have to push the unlock button on the drivers door before she can get in.
If you left the key fop on the driver's seat and went out the car and locked the door by press the button on the driver's side, it will not lock it will beep very long let you know that the key is inside the car.. Built in safety feature because the location of many receivers inside and outside the car. See manual for the diagram..