My solar powered ventilation system is not working - has never worked. I have had the car for two months, and got into a 115 degree car yesterday afternoon. I've been searching the internet, even called the service department at my dealer. So far, on the internet, I have read MANY references to "turning the switch on". However, at no point, has anyone mentioned where to find this switch, or how to tell if it is turned on... I am blonde, but not entirely stupid. Where is the dang switch?
You could look it up in the manual. There's a button to the left of the steering wheel. There's a subtle difference between on & off, but since yours hasn't been working, just press it once and that should turn it on.
Note that the switch has to be in the 'on' position before you turn the car off for the ventilation system to work. Also it takes a while for the fan to turn on, so don't worry if you don't hear it right away even if you're parked in bright sunlight. And in not-so-bright conditions don't be surprised/concerned at the fan cycling on and off repeatedly, or from hearing groaning-type noises.
Also in some cases you will have to look for the switch a bit harder. Even on some of the manuals, they make it look like it should be easy to find for some of these things and it sends up being a bit of a chore to find.
I tried looking it up in the manual. Did not find it - hence my question here. I'll look for the silly switch when I go to lunch shortly. Thank you.
It's to the left of the steering wheel, right by the mirror adjust buttons. The icon on it looks like a car with some sort of symbol above it. Pushed in is "on" and out is "off." There's no light or anything to let you know that it's on. You have to push it in before you turn the car off. If the car is turned off and you turn the button off, the ventilator will not work until you turn the car on, turn the button on, and turn the car off again. I just push mine in and leave it that way. If I'm not in a location where there's enough solar power, it won't come on.
Okay! I found the switch, turned the car on, and pressed the switch. When I came back to the car after lunch, the car was not hot and the fan was running it's little heart out. Thanks, everyone! :cheer2:
As I said, you just have to look harder, cause even with the manuals, while they say where it is, sometimes the illustration is misleading. Some people had the same problem with the Pre-Collision System switch and others.
Yay! (you'll also have to change your package from Adv. Technology to Solar Roof). Enjoy your SPVS! (you can also supplement that with the Remote A/C function)
Yay! I'm glad you got it going. I really love it on my Prius, although we haven't had that many sunny days here.
Don't feel bad. Though I am not blonde, I managed to "lose" the lever for the gas cover release last month in my RAV4. I had been using cough drops because I had the flu, and a wrapper fell down and just perfectly covered the release lever. It was over a minute of confusion before I figured out where the release was hidden. I blame my 101 fever!