In the past I have been able to get traffic conditions by plugging my iPhone into the USB port, it would ask me to connect to the Internet, and I would be able to see traffic conditions and incidents. All of a sudden my navigation map screen is no longer showing traffic conditions or current incidents. This started happening last Friday I think. I know that the internet connection is working since I can get fuel prices, weather conditions, etc. If I disconnect the phone from the car, I can use the Entune App on the phone itself to see traffic conditions that are current, so I know that Entune on the phone is getting proper updates. I have already updated the Entune App on the iPhone and that hasn't helped at all. I even tried closing the Entune App and restarting the phone to no avail. I have the Dispay Audio unit, so it's not an XM Data/Traffic issue.
I'm having the same problem with the Display Audio traffic, starting yesterday (Tues). Yesterday I got no traffic highlighting colors on the map, but I still got incidents listed and incident icons on the map. Today both highlighting and incidents are AWOL. FWIW, I use bluetooth tethering with a Galaxy Nexus phone. Weather forces the internet connection and continues to work fine.
I had the same problem that started on Monday. Not sure what the issue is and I was just about to post this issue on this forum. Anyone has any idea what's going on? TIA!
I actually had the same issue for the 1st time yesterday, it was showing incidents on the list, but nothing on the map. (I have not tested today) ....Update, mine is working again today
Same problem. Traffic conditions on the map stopped working . Rest of the apps work, including the traffic app.
Sirius/XM data version of traffic conditions on the Advanced is working today. I think someone needs to drop Toyota a line about this. Maybe Erica at PriusTeam?
Are you guys under navigation route guidance when the problem occurs, or just driving around with the map display up?
Yeah, it's working fine now for me. Figures as soon as I complain, it gets fixed. 9G-man: this was happening whether or not I had route guidance up and running.
I had the same problem for 2 days. Looks like it may have been a global problem. It is working again as of this afternoon. I am using an iphone 4s plugged into a usb cord. So the question is - where is the problem? Is it the iphone, the iphone entune app, or something else?
Came back up for me too on yesterday's drive home. Glad to see I'm not the only one experiencing this.
Maybe i didn't realize this, but I thought you needed to subscribe to XM data services to get this traffic info. With advanced is it possible to use the iphone to get this info?
I thought the Advanced model got the XM service (that includes the traffic) for 3 years? On the Base the traffic is included with Entune and uses your phone's data plan.
I think the XM Service is for 3 months (for free anyway). The buttons on the apps are all "XM" as in XM Traffic, etc. If true, then I'd rather have the real time traffic from CalTrans mirrored to my screen. I can still do that with my iPad or iPhone, so it's not a huge deal. I haven't yet decided if Sirius XM is worth $10-$20/month. I guess that's why they make the trial for three months. By then I'm sure the subliminal messages will have convinced me that I can't live without it, LOL.
The XM radio is only 3 months free trial, same for the Base. But the XM data services are included with Entune, I guess? here's what it says: Entune® [3] -- includes Bing™, iHeartRadio,, OpenTable® and Pandora®; XM Data Services including NavTraffic™[5], NavWeather™, Fuel and Sports & Stocks; Entune® Plug-in Hybrid Applications including Charge Management, Remote Climate [1] and Vehicle Finder. Apps available summer 2012 at no charge include Charging Station Map and ECO Dashboard. Access to Entune® [3] services and Plug-in Hybrid Applications [11] is complimentary for three years. See for details. source: 2012 Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid Models
Just driving around with the display up. Looks like everyone reported the service being back up again, which also happened last night for me as I left work. Probably tried to pushed an update then did a roll back. Usual software gremlins.
As I understand it, on the Advanced, traffic service uses only using XM data, and the free subscription for that is for three years. The XM radio service, on the other hand, is only three months, on both packages. I guess I could actually create an XM online account to look at this. I already have XM on another car, but it seems that they have no mechanism to combine them into one account
I called Sirius/XM (is it 1 company or 2, if you get that inside joke I know who you listen to), at any rate, they told me that the XM radio and data was a 3 month trial. I also upgraded my 3 month trial to the enhanced package which gets about 10 more channels, including the reason I bought a lifetime subscription to Sirius in 2005 . The 3 month upgrade cost me about $9.00 Sirius/XM has also changed their lifetime subscription policy, last time I checked (January of 2010), they would NOT let you transfer a lifetime subscription from Sirius to XM, they have now changed that policy, and for a one time fee of $75, you can move your Sirius lifetime subscription to your XM radio. This is most likely because they want to eventually decommission the Sirius satellites, as the XM sats are geosynchronous and they also have a better terrestrial repeater system than Sirius has. After my 3 month trial is up, I'll be moving my lifetime sub from my old Audiovox PNP2 to the XM radio in the 2012 PiP I asked about the XM traffic data, that will cost about $40/year, I may keep that we'll see
the XM Data is 3 years. I got my contract in the mail the other day and it specifically states that the radio is 3 months and the data is 3 years (on my advanced model).