I got my NEW white 2012 PIP!!!! Yipee!! >LOVE IT< That night, I moved the stuff from my old car into my new one, chucking a fist-full of coins into the space between the shifter console and the cup holder. MISTAKE. Prius engineers did not think that this little space might be used for this purpose. The thinnest coins (dimes) got jammed in the space between the two plastic parts. I spend a good 10 minutes prying them out! What were they thinking? It would have been better perhaps to leave more space between the two parts. The coins would have then simply slipped down into that hole where the seat warming controls are located.
This may be useful to you if you want to leave coins down there: JDM 2010 TOYOTA PRIUS CONSOLE TRAY CARMATE ZVW30 GRAY BUY! | eBay Theres someone in the Private Sales forum selling them too. Lots of examples in the Accessories/Mods forum if you want pictures. And congrats on your new PiP!
found the thread in the private sales area, he wants $40 if you pick it up, and $45 to ship it, thats not bad as the eBay seller is asking $41.27 total, but it will take weeks to get it from Japan... http://priuschat.com/forums/private-sales/106184-carmate-cup-holder-tray.html
I keep a small plastic container that used to contain gelato in my center console and it has all my change. It stays pretty quiet.
I keep handful of quarters in the sunglass holder up overhead. Conveniently located, and I have yet to hear them make any noise up there.
Just curious, what are these coins for? Road toll? Do you folks back East still have toll roads where you have to toss coins into a basket every couple of miles? I thought that had all been replaced by electronic transponders.
While stopped at traffic lights, I like to roll down my window, toss coins at other drivers, and say, 'Here! Buy yourself some gas!' Then laugh maniacally and speed off in EV mode.
Here. This one's better than the ones the engineers would have installed anyway. Sweet! Got one in mine already. Its first non-dealer accessory!
Parking meters. Change to make up the odd cents in a drive-through. A bucket to deposit the odd cents you get in change in a drive-through. Emergency candy cash when you've walked out of the house without your wallet in the morning. For a Prius, enough emergency cash to get enough gas to get you home.