Maybe I have a blown fuse? My c is only 4 weeks old but sometimes I use the 12v outlet to inflate my tires, other times charge my iPhone. How can I check it my fuses are blown or not?
Page 394 within this PDF. priuschatdotcom/forums/attachments/prius-c-main-forum/34263d1326946591-english-prius-c-manual-available-prius-c-owners-manual-complete_ct.pdf Replace dot with . Under the driver’s side instrument panel Fuse is number 15 and is 15amp. There is a spare 15amp fuse located in Engine compartment in the 5 slot. (page 390 of the PDF)
Hey thanks! I checked out my manual (Canadian) and it was around pg 400. The thing I couldn't figure out how to do is remove the instrument panel lid!
No what I mean is I can't locate the instrument panel fuse box. The manual shows to remove the lid but I can't see where that is. Do I have to take off any of the dash trim?
I have to push it in really hard too. But if it's been working up until now, then you probably know hard how you have to push for yours. Good luck, I hope it's a simple fix. (And sorry I'm of no help!)
Stopped by my dealer (literally around the corner from work) and a nice kid in the service dept showed me how to access the instrument panel fuse box. You literally have to get on all fours, it is behind the hood release but facing the ground so you kinda have to look upside down to get to it. The manual and instrument panel lid indicate which is the fuse for the cigarette adapter, he pulled it out and showed me that it was burnt out (looked just like the diagram in the manual). He looked around the service bay and found an extra fuse lying around, so he replaced it for free! I do hope this isn't a regular occurrence tho. The car is not even 4 weeks old and already had a burnt fuse? My Mazda 3 lasted 7 yrs without any fuses blowing.
I added a cigarette light on the panel under the back seat directly to the 12v battery with a larger fuse, that stays on all the time if you need to charge a cell phone and works great for higher draws as well.
Both of mine stopped working in my 2005 prius. I replaced both fuses under the steering wheel on the driver side and still nothing. Is there something else I should check, some other fuse or relay. I tried pushing on the connectors behind the outlet too. Is it possible to replace the outlet, looks like it just unhooks and pops out. Thanks
Yeah I'm positive I replaced the right ones. both are 15a fuses, blue, and still got no power, is it possible I fried both outlets? If so I think I can replace them myself, looks like they disconnect from the back and pop out of the dash. There are some 7.5 and 25 that could be related but they looked fine when I pulled them to look.
I had the same thing happen on my Honda Insight, but never got to the bottom of it (yet). I think there's a fusible link inline with the actual wire between the official fuse and outlet somewhere. A fusible link is basically a weak section of wire that will burn out before the whole wire gets red hot. It would be good to check the voltage from both conductors on your fuse to ground to make sure there's power there. There should be ~12V on both sides of your fuse with respect to ground if its good. That tells you the open circuit is downstream from the fuse. A phone call to the service department might get you the right place to look to fix it as I read alot about power outlets going bad in cars even after replacing the fuse.
If it's a 15A fuse, then maybe your air compressor is using more than 15 amps on start up? (Notice how your house lights dim a bit when the washer comes on)? 15 amps at 12v isn't a lot of power (about 200 watts), so it might be possible that your compressor can pop the fuse. Check the compressor manual for specs. The only other things I can think of is your charger may have a large input surge when connected, or there is an intermittent short somewhere. A short is unlikely. But if the new fuse pops, then think about what you were doing that might have caused the problem. Don't replace the fuse with a higher rated fuse. It's in there to prevent a fire or severe melting.. Cheers, Rich
I lost power to my 12v power adapter a few days ago and replaced the 15a fuse, and the funny thing I noticed is that the fuse panel is labeled (cig)
I will also install one in the rear seat panel that is hot all of the time. Being a radio operator I have all kind of stuff that needs to stay on when the key is shut off. Dan