OK, here's my situation: Been on a waiting list for a package 3 since October. Last week I was told allocations would be coming this week and that I was #1 on the list. Called the dealer today and was told that they were allocated only 1 car and that I would make the next allocation list. I said, "Hey, I thought I was first" and he came up with some lame excuse about a lady who changed her mind and popped down a deposit and instantly she got ahead of me. Anyway, he said I should have mine end of January. So I called another dealer that I have talked to before and they have a Red 2006, Package 7 on the lot. They said they are even willing to hold the car for me until Jan. 1 Tomorrow I go out and check it out. However, I really wanted a white package 3. I really don't need the NAV system (but wouldn't mind having it). I'm also not sure that I want the red. Money is not really an issue here. Anyway, when I go tomorrow, no doubt they will try to sell me the Red one. I need you guys to talk me out of this (or talk me into it).
There are many other features, including saftey features that the package 7 has that the package 3 doesn't. If money is not an issue, which I have some problem relating to, go for the higher package. If color is the issue, perhaps you need to call around to more dealers. I suspect white is a color that many Florida dealers will have coming. In any case, I would avoid that original dealer after being treated like that. Also, if they only get one Prius per allocation, they may not even have a qualified Prius mechanic.
I got my car in the old days when if you wanted a car color was not a option. I did get one of my top two. I like the salsa, but have not seen the new red. The Salsa is the only other color I wish I might have gotten. Go in and look at it. You have to see a color on a color on a car to know what it looks like. I would not be without the Nav when I am out of town, and a few times in town. A funeral I had to go to comes to mind. I had no idea where the church was. Belle took me there without a hitch.
GreenMachine is right... the safety features in the package 7 really do make it an entirely different car... if you can afford it, you should do it. remember too that when the time comes to sell or trade your prius, the nav will us the value.
I have a 2005 pkg 6 (the works) and money was not an issue either. I had saved up for a new car for 6 yrs, making car payments to myself. (child of the depression that learned to not buy anything you can't pay for -- so now am saving up for my next car). The pkg I have, has nothing I do not like. I find the nav pkg to be good, fun and when needed, indespensable. I especially wanted any and all safety features, such as side air bags, skid control and traction control, etc. Wasn't sure about the keyless system but have learned to love it. It is also fun to baffle my grandchildren as I hold back and tell them to get in. When they can't, I go up to the car, pat it on the top and say, "That's alright, he is with me." and they get right in, looking at me wide-eyed. Just another small joy. I also have to say that I have had no problems with any feature of the car. I love it. I drive a lot around the region and have calculated that I have saved an averagae of $150 a month over what the old (and reliable) Explorer would have cost me in gas. Go for it!
I don't know offhand what options are on the different packages. But I'll chime in and say, if money is not an issue, DO NOT BUY A CAR THAT DOES NOT HAVE ALL THE SAFETY FEATURES. These would be VSC and ALL the extra air bags. Am I missing any? If so, get them.
I agree with all that's been said about the safety features....well worth the extra money. But I feel compelled to add that I would be extremely hesitant to plunk down the amount of cash we're talking about if I really didn't like the color. Others may not care as much but it's kind of an important consideration for me. I figure I have to look at it for at least 3 years (probably much longer, actually).
Me too.... if you have money like water, then its ok to spend 25+K on what you don't really want, although I'm sure you would be happy, but if money is not a struggle... better get what you want so you don't have buyers remorse and won't feel like you need to upgrade soon. thats alot of money to not get "exactly" what you want.
if money is not an issue, then wait and get the color you want. i also agree with the minimum of side airbags. VSC is nice, but i think its been well demostrated that side airbags DO save lives. not up on the '06 options but am guessing that NAV if it is in #7 will be a very nice thing to have if you ever need it and probably a major regret if you dont. i personally could not justify the expense and money was not a consideration when i got mine either. besides, i have a NAV system that works well for me when i need it.
These guys are all right, I've got a couple package 7's around town "waiting" for jan 1. The BOTTOM line is to give the new red color a shot, if you walk up to it, and "like it/love it" as soon as you see it, then get it! If your first thought is ..." Eh...maybe the white would be better..." then WAIT for the white! You know, you waited since OCT, you can wait another week or two, you WILL get one sooner than february. I got 4 calls for a new package 7 last week, that were "dropped" per the dealers...yeah right! I told them all to wait. my 2c.
if this dealer let someone in front of you.....i would surely go to another dealer! & since price is not an issue.....go for the #7 & i'm sure u will be glad u did.....i'm down in so fla & from the dealer where i purchased my car the only cars they seem to be allotting is black, white & seaside....nothing else! my favorite choice was the tideland.......i wanted a #6 but settled for a #5 red salsa...... wasnt sure about red since this is the 1st red car i have ever had......then i noticed.....its not fire engine red.....its more of a beautiful maroon......so i'm happy.... the only thing i am really missing is the navi system.....but i can get a standalone.....so i am very happy. the only thing that mattered to me, was that i get a good car.....& i think i got one of the best.. with the extra features you will grow to love them......so go for it....... my dealer in north palm beach boasts that he gets one of the biggest allotments in so fla......& the month i got mine.... he did indeed recieve 450 cars.... all i can say is go for it!! & good luck
I didn't really think I would like the Barcelona Red either. But yesterday I found out the car just came in. I went and saw it. BOY.....I am in LOVE. It came with a package #8 with dark gray leather seats. What a beautiful combo. I had previously thought I would have only liked the blue or silver. But because no one is picking their new Prius vehicles up until January they had every dang color out there to compare to. And ya know what? That red one......ya mine.....was the best of them all. Give it a shot and tell us what you think. I already have made my mind up.
Obviously I am leaning toward the Red choice but if color is a big deal then look around but don't settle for the lower package. It is fun to look for a restaurant or store or whatever with Nav and even going to someone's house that you don't go to very often can be much easier without having to look at a slip of paper all the way. The safety features are the cream on top. You've got the $$ so do yourself right!!