Purchased a Prius C II last weekend. I noticed that when not accelerating hard the steering wheel needs to be nudged back to center after making a turn. Or, put another way, if I move the wheel 5 degrees to the left or the right from dead center, it stays that way, and the car veers off in that direction instead of straightening out on its own. As a longtime prius owner (have a 2002 and 2007) I found this behavior very different from my previous driving experiences. I took Prius C back to the dealer and the service manager took a ride with me. He said that the behavior I'm noticing is part of the design of the car, and not a problem. However, at my request, they checked out alignment (although caster not adjustable, so they knew this wouldn't be an issue) and found no problems. The steering wheel is a little off-center, but as I've seen on other posts, this is common in prius. Since no review that I've read mentions this behavior, and I don't see it anywhere on Prius C forum, I'm writing to see if everyone is experiencing this with their C's, in which case I'll learn to live with it, or if there is a problem with the electronic steering in my new C, and I'll have to insist that it get rectified. Unfortunately, my dealer has no other models in stock for me to compare to. PS. My 2002 (120000 mi) behaves the exact same way, with the wheel not straightening after turns. However, it used to NOT be this way, and I thought that this symptom was due to the age of the steering system.
I've not noticed this problem with our c. Sounds like something may be binding in the steering column/wheel itself, perhaps?
The only systems I know that actively press it back into position are found in the highest models and trims of mercedes and bmw. These vehicles also makes the amount of steering proportional to the rotation and the speed of the vehicle. Otherwise it operates as every other vehicle and the wheel has some self-centering force to make it easier to come around, but not to actually make the car go straight with no inputs.
i have a different problem. It could have something to do with the way the roads tilt, but i dont think so. In order for me to steer straight, my steering wheel has to be turned a little to the left. Or is this the same problem you have>?
Our steering wheel was several degrees out of alignment since day 1. Thankfully, the dealership agreed that a new car shouldn't have this problem and ran the car through the service department (twice!) until the steering wheel alignment was perfect. Thanks to this excellent customer service, we're going to start having our Tundra serviced at this same dealership.
I had the exact same problem. I just went to the dealer this morning and they adjusted the alignment and now the wheel is straight. The little tilt to the left was really bothering me. definitely bring the car to the dealer
In our case, driving along a straight stretch of road required the steering wheel to be canted roughly 10 degrees off "level" as gauged from the straight pieces of dash immediately behind the steering wheel. Not sure how to note the other type of steering-related issue except for taking some 90º corners on a city street (for example) and paying attention to how much effort you need to correct the tracking of the car to make it go straight again after the corner.
I felt like I had to help the wheel go straight it really couldnt do it on its own at parking lot speeds but while driving its perfectly straight my jimmy was so old id have to hold it off center for it to drive straight
Anytime you have a minor steering complaint, you should check the tires (and inflation pressure) first.