The dealer has our Prius Plug in available. They said that price is MSRP $32,760 and there are no negotiations. This is for the basis version, no mats either. For those who purchased in CA already, is this what you are paying? Should we buy the extended warranty, leviton power cord (to get to the 1.5 hr charging) through the dealer? Would appreciate your help? You helped me when I bought my Prius back in 2006
did you pre order? if so, you should pay the amount on the contract. $32,760. sounds correct. if you want the warranty, shop around, it's competitive and don't jump at the leviton until you've had the car for awhile to see your charging needs. all the best, you're gonna love it!
I didn't pre-order. Someone cancelled and we are next in line. So, caught off guard and haven't done the homework. We're debating to between Volt or Prius Plug in. Thoughts?
I looked at the Volt: its a compact, where the Prius is a midsize Volt can only have 4 passengers, Prius 5. I did not like the trunk design of the Volt, its depressed down about 5-6", its not a flat deck hatchback design as the Prius is. Prius has 12 years of technological advancements, on its third major design (3rd generation), the Volt is GM's first Plug in Hybrid, and has 102 onboard microprocessors and 10 million lines of code. How confident are you in a Gen 1 GM product? I physically could not get in or out easily on the Volts drivers seat, the clearance is less than the Prius, I had to get in head first, with the drivers door fully open.. not really workable in a crowded parking lot for me, so I nixed the Volt just on that 1 point. The pricing is a lttle higher on the Volt ($40K base model, $45 fully loaded), versus the Pllug in Prius ($32K base model, $40K fully loaded), however, the Volt has a $7,500 federal tax credit, while the PiP has just a $2,500 federal tax credit, so they price out in similar final dollars when that is taken into account. PiP has a 12-15 mile EV range, Volt has a 25-45 mile EV range (in both cases it depends on speed, weather, road conditions etc) When the EV range is done with, the PiP gets 50mpg or better, the Volt gets 38mpg and required hitest gasoline. those are the facts, you can decide what's important to you.
That's exactly what I paid for mine in Alexandria, VA; don't forget sales tax, which drove mine up another $3K.
If you can get the price down, that's great. But I doubt about lower price since there is a long waiting list for PIP as I know (maybe around 16,000 in US). Volt vs PIP: If you commute around 15 miles or less (one way), I think PIP is better.
That is the MSRP, so at least the dealer is not gouging for more.....I would not ever pay over MSRP, even if it meant not getting the car. Since you didn't pre-order and negotiate a lower price, it is probably too late to expect a discount, considering the car's limited availability. Getting the extended warranty come down to how long you keep a car, and how many miles you drive. If you only keep one a few years don't get it. If you drive huge mile/year don't get one. If you get an extended warranty don't buy it from the dealer unless they will match the PriusChat source price. If you do you'll be paying a hugely inflated price. Don't let the dealer fool you into believing you must buy it now. You've got until the Mfr. full warranty runs out.
Those of us who reserved last year got $500 off MSRP from the priuschat approved dealers. Based on the limited supply now MSRP is a fair price. Since you are in CA you can get a rebate for $1500 from state within a month of buying the car, + $2500 from Fed's when you submit your 2012 Tax.
If you have not driven them both, do test drives. See what you like better. Both are great cars. There is a whole thread on prus vs volt There are obvious differences, volt is 4seats.. its "hatch" space is actually a bit bigger (in terms of max object sizes) but does have a lip. There are less obvious one.. Volt is quieter, more powerful, heavier, much larger battery. They have different look and feel, which is a personal choice item. Depending on your driving your overall gas usage an be much lower in the Volt, or somewhat lower (short commute + long trips) for the PiP. If efficiency is what matters then you need to do some analysis.. if you want more details I'm sure many here will help you.
volt v prius is personal choice and depends on your driving habits. i think most of us would prefer prius with volt range. but like the doctor above says, look at them, drive them and weigh the plusses and minuses.
My out the door price for my Base model in California was 35,600. This included a $500 discount off of MSRP, sales tax, license fees, floor mats & door edge guards (which were ordered with the car). No extended warranty, pre-paid maintenance or any other options were thrown in.
I was able to negotiate a bit. I was able to increase the price of my trade-in, and during all the add-ons I was successful in reducing the price - and asked for floor mats, which they did. At the end, it was over $36K, and I asked if they could make it even at $36K. They did! I was very happy. I got the premium care package, which I might give back if AAA is a better deal.
I paid MSRP for a non ordered car. I did oprder but dealer is giving me the run around so I made some calls last night, found a car not too far away and picked it up this SoCal. There are plenty cars w/o names attached, a bit shocking honestly this early in the game.