i finally discovered how to remove the cover from the armrest cover, i think i said that right. i'm going to bring it to a auto upholstery shop to see what he can do to make this thing a lot better.
i found a upholsterer couldn't match the tan soft tex, so i told him to use black (a type of vinyl that is used on marine upholstery. but one thing is important, the material should be about .030 to .040 thousands thick. so that the cover can be snapped back on the piece that snaps on the arm rest cover. cause the original cloth material is thin. i also had him add an additional 1/2 inch of foam on top of the foam underneath the cloth, so it will be 3/4 inch padding all together. i will get back in a couple days when i get it back.
i got my cover back from the upholsterer, and it came out great. i'm going to have to figure out how to download the pictures. also i think i have to put this procedure on the prius section Accessories and Modifications, right ? taking it apart took longer than the (less than 1 minute and 30 seconds) to put it back together.
As I begin to remove the cover, do I pry upward until I hear a snap? I started prying but didn't want to put too much pressure on it. A picture of the underside (or the removal process) would be great. Thanks.
i moved the thread to , modifications, and accessories. i described as best i could (under console cover) i tried to download the pictures, but came back with " invalid source" email administrator. which i did to no avail. if i had your email address i could email you the pictures. but there isn't any way i can put arrows on the pictures. i will work with you any way i can.
Please send photos of how you removed the middle consol cover on the Prius V, so that it could have foam and leather installed on the top. I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Note: In your email, please enter Prius V center consol top removal in the subject box of the email, so that I will know it is from you. Please email the photos to [email protected].