Most of us seem to be using the eco display... I have to say I am finding it somewhat distracting trying to follow it too closely. Can you make the summary screen the "constant" Any other recommendations? Thanks!
Bring up hte one with the battery and motor to see when its charging. or i think you can turn it off not 100 percent sure
You can turn it off. I don't remember how off the top of my head, but I'm sure someone else does (also in the manual). The Drive Info screen is pretty un-distracting.
I started using Drive Info screen (in Odometer mode, not Trip A or Trip B). I love that I can monitor my current trip's time and economy... So useful. Previously was using Eco.
I like the Drive Information screen. It is less distracting and has the info I want to see. I'm gonna drive how I drive and don't be tempted into annoying other drivers by game playing with the other screens. I flip back through the different screens occasionally, just for giggles, but the main screen for me is Drive Information with clear cut figures. I set Trip B to be displayed as well, and reset it the beginning of each day so I know what my total mpg was for that day. On my c2, the Dr.Info. screen is where the outside temperature is displayed, something I also want to see. hope this helps, Deb