That's nothing. One time after a 49er game in the Candlestick Park parking lot, I had to jump a cement curb because it was the only way I was going to get out of the parking lot in any reasonable amount of time. Even trucks ahead of me I saw doing it were having a rough time. My car, being lowered, got the worst of it. The sound was nasty. People outside next to me gave me a semi-mock cheering sound as I did it. Lol. As you all know it literally takes 2 hours to get out of the parking lot after the game. I had no choice. Fortunately there was no exterior damage. I was worried I had taken out my fog lights or something. The underbody skid plate took it pretty well. Another time when it was pitch black in a Chili's parking lot, I scraped my entire starboard side along a huge curb I didn't see. It was one of those curved curb dividers in the middle of the lane. The clunk and scrape sound lasted like 3 seconds. I could literally feel the car being lifted by the curb. I was literally dragging it along the curb. I got out to check fearing I had mangled the entire side of my car. But nope, it was fine. I believe the underbody side skid plates took the brute of the damage. It's been several thousand miles since these incidents and I've had no problems with my car. My point is it's not worth fixing. Nobody can tell. Move on and be fortunate it wasn't your face or something.
Yup, I've done that many times too. Never bothered doing anything about it since it's plastic and not visible, and it happens all the time. It seems like many driveways here are at terrible angles, and the driveway aprons are just terrible. I miss the ones from where I grew up, where they were a much better shape and angle... They're terrible for biking on too, as there's an inch-tall bump, so I'm always worried that if I hit the driveway anything other than straight on, it'll catch my front wheel and send the bike sideways while I continue straight ahead. I had trouble figuring out why, when I took my test drive, the dealer told me that their insurance required her to drive the vehicle out of the parking lot, until I went back to pick up an oil filter a year later and scraped the bumper on the way out. It wasn't the first time, and it won't be the last.
Yay for the speedlocked gps. I can't say enough bad things about how crappy they entire radio and nav system is in these cars. I absolutely hate them. Now I have to go out of my way to bypass the speedlock to make them even slightly useful which isn't saying much considering how gawdaufally bad the nav and entune system is anyways. I'll keep using my garmin even after I bypass the speedlock. Hopefully I'll be able to pipe video to the display at some point so I can do something with the system other than just play music since it really can't do anything else that's of any use at all...
With something down below the waterline like that, and plastic, I'd do nothing. It will happen again.
I feel for ya. I agree with 32Kcolors and the others. Just clean it up and reprint that part. It's low enough on the car that others really won't see it if you take your time and do a clean job.
Ah, sorry about that. Darn driveways! It'll shine up well after some massage. Keep your chin up thru the bumps and scrapes
It will happen again. DO NOT touch it up. That is way too big of an area and touch up will only make it look worse. MB860 ? 2
No big deal man. As everybody said, a good touch up will make it gone. Even you will gorget later. Enjoy the car.
personally I think you're more likely to overspray and make a more noticeable mark on it trying to spray it...just leave it.
In relation to the original post, yes. Seeing that the speed locked gps is what ultimately caused him to scrape his bumper in the first place I think my rant is pretty on topic. You post however... not so much.
Ummmm, it looks factory to me. Go scrape the other side and drive away happy. But seriously, yes I do understand your pain, but it could be worse. My mom drove her Prius into a pothole filled with rainwater that was about 8" deep and did almost $1,000 in damage. When I got there parts of the car were still laying in the street.
Irrelevant. We could just as easily get a rant from a member who didn't pay attention driving into a big dip while entering destination in a non-speed locked NAV. Happens to all of us in one form or another.
Ahhhhh, crikey, that is crap! I feel your pain. I'm dreading the day our car gets its first scrape/ding. I know it would be hard to do, but like others have said, I'd probably leave it alone if it can't be seen by anybody else who didn't know about the scrape. Hope you feel better soon!
Really? I don't think people driving into things because of a nav (or lipstick, or cellphone, or coffe, or smoking, etc...) is really relevant at all to this thread. The topic on hand is the prius gps sucks, so I had to pull of the road. Having pulled off the road has now caused damage to my car... Take that for what it is.
Since it isn't visible in normal circumstances, I wouldn't bother with it. Even if you carefully mask off the area, you're still risking over-spray to paint it, and for what benefit? It'll be your (and our) little secret.
Thanks so much for everyone's support! Feels good to know that I can vent to my fellow Prius owners when something even as minor as this happens. So far, I haven't done anything with the scrape but I may use some touch-up paint just to make myself feel better. I know it will probably happen again but I was more just upset at how soon after just buying it that I already sort of messed it up. It just hurt. But yes, like Stream said, for now this will be our little secret since no one can even see it anyways... just kind of aggravating to me because I know it's there and I'm so compulsive about all of my "good" stuff. Thanks for all of the tips everyone! If I was more confident in my skills I would try the spray paint but I have absolutely no experience in any of this stuff so I would actually feel better using the touch-up paint material. I think I will just try it on a small section and see how I do, I know that no one will even see it unless they get down there but still. I'm just still so shocked it has happened! Like someone else said, I guess I broke in my car now. =/ Haha it's not that great of a feeling though. Again, thanks for all of your comments! You guys are a great bunch.