still cant decide what to get on a bp 2012 + dark grey interior. dealer still has my car for a week. i plan to get all the windows + upper hatch + lower hatch + sunroof + windshield tinted. I value heat reduction over darkness. But I would like to have a somewhat dark (25%? rears) to obscure my stuff in case I leave it in the back seats. I live in CA and am aware of the laws. Its part of the price to live here (including the smog). Huper still has the best stats but I don't know if its worth $200 above everyone else. Someone pointed out the the F1 pinnacle vtr stats are the same as the nonF1 llumar products. 1. greystone (2 ply film) + air blue 80 windshield (ceramic)~ <$300 2. F1 pinnacle (ceramic)+ air blue 80 windshield (ceramic)~$550 3. Huper Optik (creators of ceramic crave)(everything) $675!!! Huper Optik vlt%, vlr%, sc, shgc, %ir, uvlr%, tser%, glare reduction% 30: 30%, 11%, 0.43, 0.37, 86%, 99.9%, 63%, 62% 40: 42, 9, 0.52, 0.45, 80, 99.9, 56, 53 F1 Pinnacle solar heat rejection, uv, visible light transmission, glare reduction, visible light reflection pinnacle 05 65% 99.5% 5% 94% 6% pinnacle 15 61% 99.5% 18% 80% 6% pinnacle 30 57% 99.5% 33% 63% 7% pinnacle 35 54% 99.5% 38% 57% 7% pinnacle 40 53% 99.5% 43% 51% 7% pinnacle 50 49% 99.5% 54% 39% 8% solar gard ultra performance Visible Light UV Light Blocked T% Ext. R% Blocked % Total Solar Energy Rejected Ultra Performance Ultra Performance 75 76 8 >99 40 Ultra Performance 70 73 8 >99 37 Ultra Performance 60 64 8 >99 37 Ultra Performance 40 43 7 >99 40 Ultra Performance 30 34 6 >99 43 Ultra Performance 20 20 6 >99 49 Ultra Performance 10 10 5 >99 51
$300 for greystone and air blue? Surfdog's place should be only $120 for greystone alone. Why tint the front windshield at all? It's already tinted 80% in the glass (same as airblue 80) and has 100% UV cut rate. Either do it cheaply for under $150 backed with a lifetime warranty or go top of the line like Pinnacle.
Surely you're not actually going to decide based on what the poll says. Nevertheless, I voted for Huper Optik because I believe in everyone doing their part to stimulate the economy.
same here. I don't think I want to spend that much for ceramic, but still can't decide on the %... Are there pics that can help us decide on how dark to go on our BP prius? I searched the forum and I didn't find many pictures.
surfdog's place is the <$300. greystone $120 + $150 ultra performance windshield. i want windshield tint because heat rejection. as you said, uv is pretty much blocked with regular windows. there was a thread here explaining the benefits of air blue 80 on the windshield. if all your glass surfaces is rejecting heat except for one of the largest pieces, then its safe to conclude thats the cause of the extra heat.
The factory windshield has 55% solar head rejection, the best of any single glass on the Prius. The argument for air blue 80 is valid only if the factory windshield isn't treated for heat rejection. $150 isn't worth it IMO. It really depends on your preference. Personally, I prefer darker tints on white cars and lighter tints on black cars. BP is the most common color so tons of pictures if you'll really search for them. I can hardly tell 50% is tinted on the Prius (under some conditions, especially with the factory glass already tinted ~75%) so I'd go no higher than 40% on any colors. Given that darker tints look better on BP, I'd probably do 30% in Los Angeles to be safe (and darker in states that allow for them).
thanks, 32kcolors. I'm seriously thinking about doing 35% on front/rear sides and back (seems like a common number here in priuschat.)... I kind of don't want to go too dark and get in trouble (I know the chance here in SoCal isn't that high, but still)...