So basically pricing & packaging won't be out til June. At least we have a narrower time frame rather than "later in 2012". I don't know why they're so hesistant about releasing a launch date.
So you put down a deposit for a car that you don't know the price of or how the packages will be laid out? How much is this deposit and is it refundable?
Hi guys, it seems that a lot of things will be released to CDN dealers in the upcoming stuff, data, courses etc. My salesperson went to the pip course last week. This is going to be a soft lauch, not much vehicles in the first months, allocation based on Hybrid sales per dlr. Same as Prius C. In Canada almost all the Prius C are sold and now you have to order them. As for the deposit 1-I am protected by the law for full refund and it hapened to me a few years ago for a motorcycle and I got my deposit back a few weeks later. 2-It is written on my contract subject to acceptation of the price. 3- I will pick-up a regular Prius 26k CDN if let's say the CDN pip price is 36k. I expect it at 33-34. 4-Maybe it is a salespitch but my salesperson is confident to sell all his pip allocation within a few months...same as the Prius C. Even the regular Prius sell well in Canada there is only 3 on his lot and he is a medium size dlr. He is also a older experienced salesperson that does have a lot of be back customers he even wanted me to call back next week before puting a deposit for package and colour availability. You see this is the kind of salesperson I like, no pressure, confidence on himself, knowledge of the finance and his products, like he said to me: I like selling because if you inform well the customer you are going to get back the favor by a sale. My deposit is only $500 but he assured me that I am going to be the first one to get one from his dlr. I am also eligible for my $5000 rebate from my jurisdiction. If you get the same infos about the timeframe from your dlr share with us.:welcome:
You have to be a resident to file for a claim, right? Since I'm in MB, I had hoped I can get one in Ontario, which also has up to a $5000 rebate (I think), and ship it home.
I am sure that there is no loophole, in Qc it must be reported on your taxes and it is linked to your prov of residence. I am sure that Ontario has a similar way to track your official address...remember it is all linked now, dmv, permits, dl, tax, fed and prov are exchanging infos.
Stange, I leave in Qc, I was told it is 5092.40$ minus both taxes = net credit is 4,429.14$ and this is an instant rebate, just need to download & complete a form on the provincial web site. I was also offered the possibility to put a small deposit to be the first at this dealership. I was told information about the Prius PHV, price, available color and options would be made available in July-August timeframe. First delivery in the October-November timeframe, but it could also be later. .
I double checked with my rep and the qc govt rebate is not calculated same as a manufacturer rebate, your rep is mistaken it with all the current manufacturer rebates currently avail for the Venza, Corolla etc As for the availability I trust my rep (fingers crossed) since he has been with the dealer for a while and he has been told at the Toyota university pip course June for the first deliveries to CDN dlrs. I am enjoying my last month without a car pmt....
Great, June is perfect for me. Could you please provide the dealership name, I will be placing my order with them ? Thanks. .
OK, so June went by fast... We are in mid-July, so what is your rep saying about PiP deliveries in Canada ??
Breaking news, LOL. Turns out it wasn't even true.... anyway.... How soon can we really order a PIP in Canada? I want one now, I'm ready for an upgrade...
BREAKING NEWS !!!! It is official, Prius PlugIn will be available to purchase in very limited quantites in Canada in Mid-August 2012 with a tag price for PRIUS PiP base model is 35,700$/CDN + shipping & handling + others fees +taxes minus electric cars rebates of 4,429.14$. Finally !!! the PiP will be here in Canada.... Great news..