-I like my Prius -I like my peace pipe -I like the Lakers -I like sunsets at a warm beach -I like sexy women -I like dim sum in the San Gabriel Valley -I like my cats -I like egg nog -I like Dodger Dogs -I like finding money in my pants pocket -I like eating cheap taco's from taco trucks -I like my couch and TV -I like culture -I like fresh salsa and tortilla chips -I like Japanese electronics -I like Cheesesteaks only from Pats in S.Philly -I like no traffic jams -I like cactus gardens -I like Saturday Market in Portland, Oregon -I like drinking milk from the carton -I like Venice Beach and Hermosa Beach -I like Hawaiian music -I like the Original Tommy's Chili Cheese Burgers -I like bullet trains in Japan -I like a good cigar -I like my ukelele -I like my wife -I like Little Tokyo in L.A. -I like palm trees -I like picnics at the beach -I like art -I like A&W Rootbeer -I like washing and detailing my Prius -I like the Hollywood Bowl -I like hiking in canyons -I like the Dodgers -I like my barbershop -I like getting donuts at 3:00 a.m. -I like Priuschat and most important I like Bill Merchant
I LOVE my Prius, I LOVE priuschat, and I LOVE ALL Y'ALL HAPPY HOLIDAYS P.S. altho traffic is bad, saving gas in traffic, is great!
Oh boy! Better start an "I LOVE" thread and list her FIRST in that one. :lol: Please note the edit button directly below your post.
I like my TIVO I like my Wife I like my Kids I like my wife's Prius I like my Job I like my ATV I like PriusChat ~Shawn
Likes: Bikes Ladies (NOT girls ) Motorcycles Fireworks Getting lost and finding a new path to take Intelligent banter Movies that make me think An excellent steak A fine 30year old Scotch A bathrob fresh from the dryer And being around other people with different views.
i like... good discussions interesting science stuff my laptop decorating the tree every year driving root beer pictures of fun times peace and quiet that's not all but it's all i want to list right now.
Nice people Christmas with my family Hot coffee on a cold morning New music discoveries Payday Smiles and waves from strangers My car Gin This site Snow Raising Cane's My kitties Gift giving Poking my husband's navel I'll stop there. :lol:
I like... *The beach *Snowboarding *Priuschat *Rancid *Social Distortion *Travelling *Swimming *My husband *My job *My family *My friends *Christmas *Looking at Christmas lights *Hot chocolate *Candy *Food *Southern California *NHL hockey (Dallas Stars!!!!) *Old movies (primarily 30's-40's) *Music *Traffic-free LA/OC freeways *Superbowl parties *My cutie niece *My condo in the OC *Horses *Tivo *Hawaii *Dr Pepper and root beer *Margaritas from Mario's Fiesta Maya *California Pizza Kitchen *The new Bella Terra center that just opened a few weeks ago in Huntington Beach *Century Theatres in Orange and HB *Old Town Music Hall in El Segundo *Downtown Fullerton, Brea, and Huntington Beach
This is my kinda thread. Likes -Hugging my wife -Napping with my cats on my lap -a hot shower in the morning -minor league baseball (single A Dayton Dragons) -A walk in the woods -Mountain views -all 4 seasons -my family -my church -driving my Prius -a car trip in New England -a week at the beach -gardening -LIFE
Cats artichokes chocolate coffee (though I'm not allowed it any more) old music the Dutch masters the french impressionists Isabel Allende cats Arturo Perez-Reverte my new house my car pretty women cats hot dry weather the Selkirk mountains in British Columbia the smell of newly-mown hay really big snowflakes when there's no wind cats jogging Flip the Frog Kermit the Frog golden retrievers cats bengal tigers ducks sweet corn cats dumb jokes to be continued...
I like my wife (OK- a lot more than like) my life my Silver Cloud <img src=\'http://priuschat.com/uploads/post-5776-1135495791_thumb.jpg\' border=\'0\' alt=\'user posted image\' /> my dogs and cats LA Freeway, Spunky, Windstrings, Mystery Squid, Jack06, and all my other PriusChat buddies I didn't mention (not listed in priority order!) Priuschat my job great MPG constantly learning more about the <img src=\'http://priuschat.com/uploads/post-5776-1135496049.gif\' border=\'0\' alt=\'user posted image\' /> Hybrid Synergy Drive and Power Split Device <a href=\'http://www.zainostore.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc\' target=\'_blank\'>Zaino</a> <a href=\'http://www.303products.com/main.php?infopage=protectant\' target=\'_blank\'>303 Aerospace Protectant</a> And so many more things I can't think of them all!
*camping, especially in National Parks, and * driving all over this wondrous country (been in 48 states, incl. Alaska) *places so isolated there's no traffic noise nor jet trails *Utah, S. Dakota, Washington, Montana, N.Y., Vt. and N. Carolina * fresh coffee and cinnamon-raisin bagels *high-quality movies of any genre *Charlotte Church *the Oakland A's (hate steroid cheaters, incl. Barry Bonds) *Winter Olympics-all skating, skiing and bobsled events + hockey *golden retrievers and black labs *trying every kind of salsa I can get my hands on *gummy bears and Coffee Crisp candy bars (avail. in Canada) * philosopy: reading, discussing *the variety of people in the US *miraculous opportunities offered by the internet *PriusChat and all its luminaries
ok, i've got some time on my hands.. my husband/best friend catching snowflakes on my tongue midday naps new technology (toys) cows (typical wi talk) cats family good company laughing going to the beach watching the rain fall dancing in the rain movies detailing my car doing little things that make DH happy all the little things DH does to make me happy staring at car parts as DH explains how it works and realizing it's way beyond my scope of knowledge grandparents geese that hang out in the pond by our house fleece warm, heavy blankets things that are green (as in plants, not money) walnuts backrubs hanging out on the couch i could go on forever. but i won't
My wife and daughter ( who are the best people I will ever know) Skiing Scuba Diving Snorkling Bahamas Carabean Hawaii Mamouth Mountain, CA Mount Snow, VT Surfing Watching my daughter play basketball Making devices to make the wheelchair bound walk Cape Cod Atomic Metron Skiis warped humor The possibility of returning to my business 3 months post flood love
c'mon guys, we all know, first and foremost, we'd all rather be copulating above and beyond any item on your lists! sex sex sex, and, more sex. when sex isn't possible: riding my bike while rocking out (headphones in helmet) lying in the grass on the lawn beaches sunsets in line skating finding weird places Sunday afternoon laziness bizarre revelations strange ideas comtemplating infinity until i fall asleep traveling bizarre comics checking out girls/women
"I like Allie. And I like doing what I'm doing right now. Sitting here with you, and talking, and thinking about stuff, and - " Anyone who gets the reference deserves a golden sticker