The George W. Bush Poll

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Mystery Squid, Nov 30, 2005.

  1. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    I agree with you there.. then they get pissed that the president' doesn't watch them every night!.. they are not too credible is why.

    They are about making money.. its not that they lie, they just withhold stories and the truth to thier advantage!
    You say what advantage?.... stirring the mud!... they can't sell a story if everything is going well and no one is not pissed at someone else!

    Contention makes news!.. just look at the tabloids... the more far out the story.. the more people believe want to hear it!

    The media can't even get the weather right because of making such headlines as "the big freeze" or "the big thaw" or " the killer storm" on and on... they hype and construe as to get attention. Almost like the little boy who cried wolf.

    Its their own fault the government doesnt use them as an information source.

    Although it may have helped with Katrina! simply because so many communication lines were down other than the media.... even then, it wasn't until weeks later we saw what really happened and the media knew it all along but didn't release it because that may justify someone they wanted to hang, or that might make someone look bad they were trying to hail.
  2. maggieddd

    maggieddd Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2005
    To all short sighted neocons. You are just completly brainwashed without being able to see a larger picture other than pledged allegiance to some right wing righteousness, no matter what. It's like being in a game when one is a winner and the one is a looser and there is no other solution to it.
    Don't hide behind the notion of grand and grandour democracy, so called world beacon for freedom. Why don't you just proclaim USA a fascist state from now on and no one will have an issue with all what all neocons want to do! Your ideas certainly do fit the early Hitler's Germany, way before Nazis have been sending people to the concentration camps.
    So you know, it took them a couple of decades before becoming full blown fascist perversed government.
    Do we really have to go that way????
  3. Spunky

    Spunky New Member

    Aug 12, 2005

    I wanted to find a copy of that particular photo, did a fast search and posted the first reference that came up. Didn't even note the source. It's the photo that speaks for itself.
    The photo has been published in "mainstream" news publications, like Time.

    Fact: we tortured the "Ice Man" to death.
  4. Spunky

    Spunky New Member

    Aug 12, 2005

    You're not thinking straight. You assume that because I'm against allowing members of US agencies to torture prisoners, I must be a supporter of al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. The two are not connected.

    I feel compelled to state that I believe terrorists are enemies of the civilized world. They claim to be religious adherents but are actually fanatics and dangerous criminals. Only a naïve dolt would think otherwise. (And thanks for the insult.)

    Iraq was not a center for terrorist activity in 2001 and was not connected with the 9/11 attacks. But that country has, while under US occupation, become the headquarters for the likes of al-Zarqawi. He masterminded the killing of Nick Berg, attacks on Iraqi police, and that bombing of a wedding in Jordan. Again, he has managed to do this while in a country under US "control".

    Afghanistan and Iraq are the first full-scale open battlefields in the war on terrorism. And we screwed up. Unless we face up to that and change our tactics, we shall lose the war. We played right into Osama ben Ladin and al-Zarqawi's hands; in Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, Turkey, and about twenty "black sites" (secret prisons).

    The American values so admired overseas are undermined when we torture prisoners, debate the merits (!) of spying on and secretly imprison our own citizens, rebuff or debase potential allies, indulge in clumsy attempts to manipulate the foreign press, and refuse to join in international conversations about trade, global warming and other environmental concerns, energy, education, and health.

    It's not about "conservative" vs. "liberal" values. We must get with the facts and join to build and support a coherent battle plan or we're going to be beaten.

    Osama must love it when people like you demean and dismiss fellow citizens like me.

    PS: Did you realize you automatically label Democrats as stupid, anti-American, and terrorist sympathizers? Do you really think that attitude encourages any sort of open discussion?
  5. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Well one thing is for sure... divided we fall. The words to the United States Pledge of Allegiance rings in my ears...... those values are blown all to hell.

    Especially the "One nation under God" part......

    Just like in a marriage.. if we all don't all surrender to a "higher purpose" than our own,... we will have many multifaceted interests, values and goals.

    Even marriage itself is no longer understood.. two becoming one... whats that?

    We just live together now and maintain our own agenda... I take from you and you take from me... we have a little arrangement that works for both.... its not give, give... anymore? only take take... we see it in business, and all levels..... How can the world live together in peace when we struggle within our families..... let alone a whole country living together for the same goals and vision.

    Its no wonder we are divided. :(

    I really fear that it will be nothing less than severe tragedy that brings us all back together.
  6. Spunky

    Spunky New Member

    Aug 12, 2005
    The US has had severe tragedies, e.g., 9/11 and, most recently, Katrina. We squandered both opportunities to reconcile and work together to devise the best solutions. Instead, division has been the rule.

    But don't worry, there are bright spots.
    Note the governors of Virginia (Warner, who managed to push through tax hikes in order to fight a $3 billion deficit and still remains popular), Arizona (Napolitano, who is a pro-business centrist, eliminated a $1 billion deficit, takes real steps to encourage education, and managed 4% job growth), Nevada (Guinn, who also fought for tax increases in order to deal with a deficit, established a college scholarship program, and reworked the state employees' underfunded workers' comp plan), Arkansas (Huckabee, who created a health insurance program for poor kids, cut welfare rolls by 50%, and grew the state economy 4.4%), and Kansas (Sebelius, who found all the savings she could to erase a $1.1 billion deficit without raising taxes or cutting education funds, appointed qualified opponents to her cabinet, and has an approval rating of 60%). These govenors accomplished all this by building working relationships with their legislatures and citizens.
    And there's the tough charity management skills of Bill and Melinda Gates, the death (but too bad the Indonesian police failed to capture him) of "master bombmaker" Azahari Husin, voting parents in Dover PA, arrest of ex-President Alberto Fujimori. Or the rise of moderate American imams like Immam Mohamed Magid of Virginia, who speaks out against terrorists' corruption of the Koran's teachings and works with the FBI in battling them.

    There are good things happening all the time. Just have to pick up a paper to find news of them.

    IALTMANN New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
    Can I get just one person to thank KBR for taking care of our boys out there in Iraq??
  8. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    thanks Spunky..your earning your name! :D

    I was talking about something that won't go away in one week.... I hope we don't have to go that far.
  9. Spunky

    Spunky New Member

    Aug 12, 2005

    Our troops do deserve the best support available.

    But sorry, Altmann. I'm not about to thank a private contractor for services that are purchased.

    We (the US) have paid KBR over $12 billion for logistics support to military personnel in Iraq. That's the largest contract of its kind, ever. At that price, KBR had better darn well serve wonderful food to our troops in beautiful facilities, and win glowing reviews.
  10. maggieddd

    maggieddd Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2005
    I wonder what your true motives are behind your staunched patriotism and adherence to goverments policy. Perhaps because you are personally connected with the whole charade by having your two sons endangered is not allowing you to see through with a rational perspective. In other words, do you think that the parents of the German soldiers conquering Europe felt otherwise about their sons, conquering and annihilating European countries for a great cause? Perfect analogy to the situation in Iraq. Who in their right mind establishes "democracy" via war in the foreign land. It's like saying, eradicate poverty and disease, that mankind has struggeled with from the beginnings. Can you say war with criminal element? War on terror is the same thing just under the umbrella of different semantics. Or should we say war on everybody who dislikes the US policy, or US for any reason whatsoever?

    Good luck with your warmongering escapade. It's just too bad that innocent people will die for utopian cause. Immoral insanity.
  11. Catskillguy

    Catskillguy New Member

    Oct 1, 2005
    Mid Hudson Valley NY

    Is it any wonder that Govenors get elected President and Senators do not.....
  12. Spunky

    Spunky New Member

    Aug 12, 2005

    We keep electing good governors and sending them to the White House, hoping they'll continue their meat and potatoes middle-management styles. But DC is a different league, literally a whole other world.

    The newly promoted governors come up against slimy Congressmen, old guard Senators and amazingly well funded lobbyists. But the rub comes when we take someone who's really just a good 'ole country styled person and thrust them onto the international stage without any diplomatic training. How can we expect them to know when to schmooze or how to stare down the likes of the Saudis, the Kims, ex-KGBers like Putin, the Chinese, terrorist supporters like Kadafi or the Syrians, or heavy hitters like big energy, auto, health insurance, mutual fund, and pharmaceutical companies? The voices of the poor and disadvantaged - like the elderly, handicapped and our kids - get lost in all the hub-bub.

    Maybe it's time to see how a Senator or other high-level official operates in the Oval Office. Hopefully one whose feet are on the ground, knows how to select the right staff, has a sturdy brain, clear vision and a good heart, and uses them.

    Or is "honest politician" an oxymoron? :huh:
  13. imntacrook

    imntacrook New Member

    Aug 8, 2005
    On the Beach
    "True Motives" Maggie? Thats quite demeaning to a family that has sacrificed more for this country than YOU ever would. You have a blame America first attitude which really shows there is something terribly wrong with you! Comparing our guys and our purpose in Iraq with Nazi Germany? You not only don't know history you haven't a clue about whats going on now! Nuff said.
  14. imntacrook

    imntacrook New Member

    Aug 8, 2005
    On the Beach
    Most of the great things you mention are a direct result of the GWB tax cuts!!

    And yes mr Ialtmann I will thank Halliburton - it happens to be fabulous company. I am always amazed at people who trash really successful American companies ie KBR, Walmart, Microsoft, McDonalds etc etc. My opinion is that these folks never worked for anything but institutions, governmental agencies or are members of a union.
  15. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Yea.. where is that guy anyway... I'll vote for him!

    By the time the media gets done with the issues, who knows what the truth is?

    IALTMANN New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
    Ya maggie like the ones in New Orleans...The problem with you "intellectuals" is still you do not understand what it is like., Spunky and you both see the simple recognition despite politics and the likes, that KBR is doing their JOB, as a ruse and some misguided motives., everything is motives. All I can tell you is after a 22 hr stint in a helicopter continuously, I felt "glad" to come back to the ship and have a good meal and shower. Some of these soldiers feel that way after 3 weeks in the field. And as for the Spunky reply, I just overlook the fact he feels a contractor is obligated that much, dealing with the U.S. Government. Foreign and even domestic contractors easily skirt such responsibilities EASILY, following EXACTLY the wording of such contracts. There is a difference between caring and just following a contract, but you are the ones who want to inject the politics. I just pointed out carefully, no matter what eventually will happen to KBR and Haliburton in its "dealings" with the government, that they are doing a good job overthere. Totally over your heads., and this did not surprise me.

    IALTMANN New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
    Maggiedd..just re-reading, and saw Innacrook's reply to you...Certainly you have some gall equating stuff now to Nazi practices. And as for the lack of even concern for young men and women overthere, just spewing out your Michael Moore anti American Venim...Use your own scientific analysis, and look OBJECTIVELY based on FACTUAL and Historical DATA., and can you honestly fully support your viewpoints as terse and strong as you make there? Granted both of us have strong viewpoints, but certainly EACH needs to be appreciative that in this country, differing views DO NOT endanger the democracy and the young men and women of this country in a time "great challenge". And as for your statements that this CHARADE (it is not a charade, Vietnam was not one also, I was there) and stating that I, I was the one endangering my two sons, well don't expect kid gloves from me with statements like that. Perhaps you can now see why I in my earlier times on PCHAT was less than sociable with you all, WHY ARE YOU ALLOWED TO MAKE SUCH STATEMENTS, AND I AM NOT ??? I still thank this contractor for doing a good job., I did a few myself in the times I served, I could have just followed the manuals, and did the basic job, but NO., I went and did it RIGHT, appreciating all the ship's guys and their jobs to make work. I am sure as a ressearcher and in the medical field this should make sense to you, I hope it does. As to my current status, let's just say as an American I do feel we all have a vested status in preserving this country, due to previous sacrifices and to reduce future sacrifices. I am just sorry you do not see it that way, and if I should happen to be correct, and this country suffers a tragedy. I and many other Americans and service personel will be the ones in front helping and doing everything possible for ALL citizens of this Great country. Hope someday we'll see you there too, ALL pollitics aside.

    IALTMANN New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
    Thanks Imntacrook, Did not really pay attention there, that Maggie bit hard so well...I kinda bit back. They really do not understand...just what I thought...
  19. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    Eh... I hesitate to throw my undying support to a corporation that I know little about in terms of their values and practices.

    "Successful" does not mean "great" in my book. A corporation can be successful and deal more damage to the environment, to communities it inhabits and the marketplace... In our free market, "success" is measured in profits, in making shareholders happy...

    The companies you listed certainly make profits and make their shareholders happy, but that says nothing about their ethics, business or otherwise.

    Many of the most infamous corporations in history have been mighty corrupt at one point or another.

    Incorrect on all points. I am not a union member, I've never worked for an institution or a government agency. I am employed by one of this country's household-recognizeable uber-corporations, and actually, my employer is under investigation for anti-competitive activity currently... go fig.
  20. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    Ahem. Once again, Barack Obama. :D