The reasons will be obvious - city signs are either stolen or tourists will "do it" in front of the sign. THIS TOWN'S A F****** JOKE - Tony Parsons - Mirror Online
Why should they change the name? They should embrace their notoriety and take even more advantage of it. The mail order Tshirt business alone could keep property taxes way down. "I went to Austria and all I got was this effing Tshirt" A map outline with the phrase "You are are right effing here" would sell well, too.
Redminds me on a thread on Tivocommunity where people were talking about going to Intercourse, PA. There's also a town in PA called Blue Ball. There's Intercourse, Pennsylvania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia on this. People were posting all sorts of things w/innuendo and related pics, but eventually, the thread got killed. :/
Must be a quiet news day We do love our double entendre's though and it appears the reporter on this article is have a great old time of it. Maybe this humour doesn't travel, but this report made me lol, esp the following; Says one F***ing guesthouse owner, "Here we have tranquillity, clean air, lakes, acres of forests and some of the most breathtaking vistas one could imagine. Yet still there is this obsession with F***ing. Just this morning I had to tell an English lady who stopped by that there were no F***ing postcards." Fun-loving British tourists have infuriated the local police chief, Kommandant Schmidtberger, by stealing F***ing road signs. "What is the big F***ing joke?" says Herr Kommandant. "It is puerile."
There are two small towns with suggestive names in Minnesota, not terribly far apart from each other. An elderly lady living in one of them passed away while visiting the other, resulting in the newspaper headline: FERTILE WOMAN DIES IN CLIMAX.
I was going to link the Wikipedia article, but either the vBulletin dirty word filter would ruin the link or the link would stand and a moderator might have to intervene. Wikipedia article says the village was named after Focko and eventually the spelling became the same as the English profanity. Some of the villiage name signs discourage speeding by adding "Not so Fast" to the delight of the tourists....CCTV cameras are added because some tourists have attempted sex acts by the signs. Residents are frustrated as replacing the signs cost 300 euros each. Even with the frequent theft of the village signs, they voted not to change their name in 2004. Actually, the article behind this thread was this one >
Blue Ball changed their name in the past few years to Blue Bell. Both names are the common name of a local flower. Beaver college did so too. A friend and I noted once that you can visit much of the world, along with Venus and Mars, in Pennsylvania.
There should be a Focko gift shop, selling street signs, and postcards. Maybe a photo booth is going a bit far....
I love Blue Bell ice cream [ame=]Blue Bell Creameries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
I notice Australia also has a town called Ni***r Head. I think that would be a higher priority to change (I'd be more offended by a derogatory word then a cuss word)! I also notice there's a Ni***r hospital in India hwell:
There are "Speed Hump" signs at the mall in Secaucus, NJ. I need to remember to take my camera on my next trip.