Davis-Mothan AFB: http://local.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&cp=...15&scene=313360 Pinal Airpark (idle jetliners) http://local.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&cp=...16&scene=318149 http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=32.508332,-...17286&t=k&hl=en [newer] Another airline storage field in Mojave, CA http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=35.064954,-...17286&t=k&hl=en
Altogether, a few billion dollars worth of aircraft. How do we recycle those? Looks like they'll be there 100 years from today...
Another "bone yard" of sorts . . . The pointy one on the end is the USS Iowa Battleship. Zoom out to see the entire fleet. When you are done Oohing and Aahing at the ships, go to the bottom-most set of ships and then scroll left to the parking lots just onshore. Ooh and Aah at all the brand new Toyotas which just came off their ship.
We should hope so; much of that material IS recycled, both for parts for current aircraft, saving further millions. In addition, I saw a TV show that pointed out the higher quality steel that was produced 20-35 years ago that is being reused in new production. Some gets sold in to the open market, but most is recycled internally. Walt
Cool! http://local.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&cp=...7&scene=1623341 has better views of this. I'll have to stop and take a look the next time I'm out there. I've not crossed the Benicia bridge for ages and I have to focus on driving while crossing it.
Well taking the intersection of Hacks Cross and Winchester in Memphis as an example. Microsoft's Virtual Earth shows fields where Google Earth show the buildings that have been here for a number of years. Incidentally the same goes for Apple's headquarters in California.
We were in Arizona in late November and took a wrong turn heading out of Tuscon. We ended up experiencing the planes close-up. I think they are even spookier in real life, but you don't get to see how many there really are. (We were driving a hired Corrolla and many times during the trip thought how much we'd have enjoyed driving the roads in a Prius. Maybe we'll have to take a road trip across from Ontario, (or hire a Prius next time around :lol: )
Back in the 80s Davis-Mothan had square miles of B-52s, all their wings chopped off at the roots (sheared with a drop blade to deliberately destroy the aircraft), the severed wings laying in the sand just they had fallen, so that Soviet spy satellites could verify our compliance with arms reduction treaties. It was sight straight out of Dr. Strangelove, only it was no movie. Mark Baird Alameda CA