Hello All, I stumbled across this forum and have been reading the posts, this is going to be a great resource. My wife and I just ordered two Priuses (correct plural form? ). I'm getting a red c-three that'll be handed down to my daughter when she's ready to drive in a couple of years and my wife is getting a blue four (standard Prius). They are supposed to be here the last week of May, first week of June. Since I'm a newbie here, I'll be lurking for a while until I get some experience. Cheers!
Congrats and welcome! Mine is supposed to be here mid to late May, so we'll be learning at the same time!
Welcome to the family. I have been waiting, not at all patiently, for my Five with ATP. It's on a ship headed for Long Beach right now. So I am hopeful that my 3 month wait will be over in another couple of weeks. iPad ?
Welcome! I have a two week old Prius III and I love it! Reading these forums I've "learned" how to drive it and I got more than 60mpg. I'd post the picture but I haven't posted enough comments yet: Ok, only a short trip (5 miles or so) and I was testing my skills. Nevertheless, great performance and I'm having a blast while making a statement. Good luck and enjoy!
Welcome To PriusChat . I remember the excitement waiting for my 2007 Prius to come in. Every since than I remain excited with all the features of this wonderful car. But Best Of All The Gas Savings, I have been getting 56 MPG for the last 5 years. I hope you enjoy your new baby as much as I do mine.
I'm waiting for the truck to deliver my new Four Solar this morning and then I get to road trip from Phoenix to Seattle for the maiden voyage. Looking forward to the road time on a beautiful sunny Arizona day !
For me, I'd be taking a train and then road tripping from Montana to Nebraska! I plan on visiting Devil's Tower, Mount Rushmore, and several more sights along the way, putting about 850 miles on its maiden voyage. It vexes me a little to have to do it, but I refuse to support the stupid little games that my local dealers are playing. They refused to honor the car buying service price, insisting that the car that was on their lot would sell in about 24 hours at MSRP. It is now eleven days later (24 hours/day x 11 days) is what, 264 hours? I'm making a game of tracking how long that car sits there!
Welcome to Prius Chat mattebury. Some folks say "Prii" as the plural, but I'm a strong believer that when a Latin or Greek word is imported into English, we conjugate or pluralize it according to English grammatical rules. So I say "Priuses," just as you did. :rockon: I don't drive my Prius much any more, but if you need a gasoline car, I do think the Prius is the best there is. And it was the thrill of my Prius going into electric mode that got me started on the road to pure electric.
My local Washington dealer called me yesterday asking when I wanted to buy my Prius and I told them I had bought it and was driving it home from Phoenix and I thanked them for being no help at all in ordering my car 1400 mile road trip and some much welcomed sun made it worth the trip
I am new to the forums as well, waiting on my Prius to truck its way into the dealership sometime this week! Can't wait. Although, I'm not making a big leap from a 2010 Corolla (around 32 Avg MPG) but I did manage to get out of my lease a year early which was the biggest part since I am at 33,600 / 36,000 miles already. I just wanted to say how amusing it is that your dealership wouldn't give you any deals. I will say though, at the dealership and area I'm in the Prii are coming and going before they even hit the lot sometimes. Like my Prius, they told me that had it en route gave me the Spec sheet, I test drove another one just a lower model and said lets go for it. I did get $250 off MSRP, though, although I haggled day and night to go lower than that. Guess I didn't much care, just wanted to get out of the lease and into a Prius! Will post pictures once it gets here and once I've posted enough to get that right.