I did this last week. I had a 2003 Honda Accord EX Coupe w/Nav that I traded in. I've always found the Accord noisy inside. I'm very happy with my desicion. Priuis is nice and quiet inside.
If you don't mind, what'd you get in trade for your Honda (and what were the options and mileage)? And did you pay MSRP for the Prius? My wife's probably going to trade her 2004 Accord EX-L 4cyl. sedan in when her Prius arrives in a coupla months. rpm
Well, I just called my wife and told her I was going to have the dealer get me the Prius. She gave me a very cool, "Oh, I see". I calculate that after selling my Accord, the fuel saving over 4 years, etc. (may not benefit from the tax credit due to AMT) it will only cost me about $9000 for a new car with the options I want (package 8). The dealer wants $1000 non refundable deposit to try to preference the car (SE Toyota). I'm wondering, if they can't get it in a reasonable time, is that legal? They are agreeing to sell it at MSRP, plus their $399 doc fee padding. I'm waiting for their fax now, and their expecting my credit card number soon thereafter.
I can't comment on the trade-in, because I did not. But I think they can do better with the $399 doc fee. My dealer charged $45. If you are using your credit card for deposit, it is refundable eventho dealer said it's not. When you need to get it refunded, just called up ur cc company when dealer refuse to. Let the cc company do the work. Even better, call up Toyota if they refuse to refund (that's what I had to do with one dealer, refunded right away). Good luck!
I think you had your mind made up before your first post. Having bought an 05 Prius last April and trading it back in for a Sienna Limited 2 weeks ago, I can say that the Prius is over priced for what you get and the overall ride and quality is not worth what they want for them. There are many cars that, although they won't get as good mpg, are a better value. A Civic could run for 100,000 miles before it used enough gas to equal the cost difference of the Prius. That is if you don't figure any interest on the $7000+ difference in cost and the gas was free for the Prius. My dealer now has 4 new Pri and my 05 on his lot. Some will always be fasinated and in love with their Prius, but I am running into more people that don't think it is worth the premium over a standard economical mid-sized car. I am probably the odd ball on this site. It is just a hunk of steel, plastic,rubber and high tech parts that is overpriced. (But most cars are) Doug P.S. No way would I get rid of a paid for 3 year old Accord for a Prius.
A non-refundable deposit is a form of liquidated damages, which most courts will not enforce. In plain English, unless the dealership suffers a financial loss if you back out of the purchase agreement (such as by selling the car to someone else for less than you have agreed to pay), they cannot profit at your expense.
I was worried that if they couldn't come up with the vehicle in a reasonable period of time, I want to be able to try another source. A dealership in Virginia sells at MSRP and "I am on the list, number 8 for a package 8). They told me to expect the car around the first of March. A $1000 up front would more or less tie my hands with them, unless I used the above advice and tactics. I believe that SE Toyota only releases lists of available vehicles every two weeks. I can't imagine them being out of pocket anything unless they brought the vehicle in, and they're supposed to contact me before they do that. Venturer gives the most firm opinion on this matter. We also have an 06 Limited Sienna and our out the door price was only about $8K more that what the package 8 Prius will be. Its not hybrid, but has much more luxury, amenities, and alot of technology. He is right on a dollars and sense basis. The Accord is 2.5 yrs old and has 29K miles. Since I haven't given the deposit as of yet, I am going to take the advice of many others on this board and go and rent one for a few days. I'll soon determine if the emotion fades or grows. As I said before, if I needed a new car, it would be an easy decision. I think the tax incentives have pushed me to make the decision now. Since they will be available for at least 6 months, why should I be rushing?
It had 41,000 miles, leather, power seats, DVD NAV. I got $14,500 for it as a trade in. I paid MRSP and waited 2 months with a $500 deposit.
You know your wife better than me... but most women don't hear much of the logistics and techno reasons why its better..... they need to "feel" it baby! I'll tell you what clinched it for me.... when I got my wife in the prius and took her for a drive... she didn't even drive!.... and she was sold!... Let the prius talk for itself!
I'm not married, but if I was, my wife would have veto power over any big decisions. Marital peace is a priceless commodity, and no car is worth giving that up for. I would take Windstrings' advice above before buying a new car. Take her for a ride. Let her drive it if she wants. And if she is still against it, stick with the Accord. From your post, I think you are saying it would cost you $9,000 to trade up to the Prius, which means the Prius will cost you $9,000 plus the amortized remaining value of the Accord. Rather than trying to figure out the depreciation on a 2-year-old car, most of which is artificial, I'd suggest looking at it as though the Prius had been bought back then for the cost of the Accord plus $9,000. A quick glance at the Honda web site suggests you may have paid around $30K for the Accord. This trade is as though you had paid $39K for the Prius two years ago. I love the Prius, but I think that's too much, especially if it will make your wife unhappy, unless you are really rolling in money, in which case you can also give your wife a $9,000 gift.
Ooooh, daniel, you're too SCRUPULOUS for words. :lol: Ahem, I assume that if there's progress on the GF front, we may be informed? Or not until you elope?
I have a feeling if you guys can afford it, when she sees your eyes light up as you drive it, she will want you to have it!.... If she still is against it... its prob for the best to back off!.... Those women can keep you out of alot of trouble if you give them a chance! :lol:
Somebody already posted that marital bliss is priceless and I agree. You can not buy the Prius under the circumstances you mentioned if you are trying to "save money". If you want to "save the environment" or reduce dependency on oil (foreign or otherwise) or you want/need the technology then IMHO the Prius is a great car. I love the tech and the way it is integrated and I use all of it every day. I also drive a lot more than you! Here in California the $1000 deposit was refundable by law. I guess it was a state law and not a federal law. If, after your test drive, you still want a Prius call your CC company and listen to what they say about it becuase any legal option you might have under law could turn out to be pretty messy and cost more than $1000 in time and trouble and martial bliss
Hmmm. I guess it depends on what "progress" means. If I got a date, I probably would not run to the computer to post it here, and if I "got lucky" I definitely would not "kiss and tell." But you have my word that if I get married I will tell you about it, even if it is only to announce that I'll no longer have time to waste on a computer chat board. At my age, elopement is unlikely to be necessary. Perhaps a visit to the local JP, or maybe the (hypothetical, at this point) bride will have a friend with a mail-order ordination in the Church of God Is A Duck. I'd like to be married by a minister of the Church of God Is A Duck. But I would not be choosy about venues if I met the right woman.
I'm guessin it sounds like it won't be an issue of savings money, but more of one of whether they really want to take the plunge.
Hey cdavid, congratulations. I'm curious how much of the deal is done. Do you have the car now or did you place an order?
Signed a contract for them to preference the vehicle. They need time and I'm not in a hurry. Did the same with the 06 Sienna Limited HT model (Artic Frost). It will take several weeks (Took 6 to get the Sienna when I ordered in Oct.). I'm confident with them and they do alot of business with our employees. I'll probably put my Accord up for sell after the first of the year. Drive the pickup (Yuck) after its sold, then sell the pickup after that. Hey, most of the time its driven by my neighbors. I long to return to just two vehicles, both in the garage. This should do it me! I'm done. I look forward to the high tech prius. I'm up at 2 this morning reading all the tech articles on how its made, operates, etc. Really ingenius. Look forward to burning less fuel. I already drive the Accord like I'm on my last gallon. Just the way I drive. I will be a good Prius driver I think.