Averaged 68 mph on the way down and 62 mph on the way back. My MPG for the trip was 46.6 and just shy of 1700 miles.
What were your tires inflated to and how did you feel at the end of the drives? I used to have a 1983 Dodge 2.2 Charger that I made 4 hour drives in. I was always beat like a dog at the end. I got a smooth riding truck and felt fresh as a daisy afterward. I dropped the tires a few psi in the C and the ride smoothed out considerably.
Through WV it was very hilly. I started with a full tank and filled in Virginia and Georgia on the way down but made it back to NC on the way back before filling then stopped again in WV. The tank always had at least 2 bars.
My tires are just at 35psi it was a very comfortable ride but the roads were pretty smooth. Gravel roads on the other had are not as joyful. I had a neck pillow and it was a blessing. about 11 hr 30 min down and 14 hr back but I made quite a few more stops on the way back.
yeah, that will be me in a coouple of weeks. i will never let it go below 2 bars. thats how paranoid i am.
I was waiting for this type of info to compare it to my Wife's 2012 Civic LX Sedan Auto. Trip from Central Florida to Central Georgia average of 65 mph by gps yield just under 45mpg per the iMID, which reads a little low. Worst tank I have seen on her car is 34mpg and she doesn't care about driving green. Same route she takes I pull almost 45mpg doing the speed limit, cruise control, and aware driving. Its not the best comparison since you only hit "hills" on my route but a some good numbers that make a Prius C look like a really great choice when its time to replace my car.
i will be doing almost the opposite on the 13th when i go from nashville to daytona beach( cant wait!) followed by back to nashville the following saturday. im very excited about the trip as you can tell. the challenge will be going up and over lookout mountain thru atlanta and then flat flat flat .i plan to have a full separate thread reporting the trip and how the car (named shorty) reacts, drives and provides what comfort level.
I would be interested in and what mpg you get after leaving Atlanta (assuming you don't hit the ATL traffic hour) until Daytona Beach. My 45mpg route was following the speed limit when I could with cruise control.
I just posted that quick but for a little more info my overall MPG was at 53.9 prior to the trip and it currently at 50.3. I am very pleased so far considering I drive mostly rural country roads. Just over 3500 miles and mt ecosavings is over $500. just a month of ownership. It will have paid for itself in fuel before it is paid off.