Just look at these pictures and remind yourself it could be worse. Lmao! Ouch Ohh and I got my windows tinted. Looks good yeah?
Nah, I filled up the Polaris Ranger and the tow-behind mower with fuel. Tried to cross over the tongue of the trailer, slipped, fell forward and smashed the right side of my face on the bumper of the truck. Broke my glasses and the glass got stuck in my face. S ittingin the ER now.
OWWWOOOOHHHHH buddy!!! That looks insanely painful. Sorry to hear about this. That first picture....Looks like you lost your eye. I also don't know many people who would even think to take a picture of themselves on the ground like that. Respect... Hope you get better and there are no real scars.
Oh man, you must really love hospitals. Hard to say you're lucky, with that gouge in your face, but I'm sure we're all relieved - you, most of all - to see your eye looks fine. It didn't look that way at first, and I can only imagine how scared you must have been about that. When you get home this afternoon, lie down and stay there. Good boy. edit: Uh, yeah...the windows look good. Better than you at the moment. Sheeeeit.
Looks like the emergency room doc did a really good job. I'm amazed there's not more swelling. Good luck and hope you heal up quickly.
Holy schmokes! That had to hurt. It hurts just to look at it. Thank goodness it wasn't your eye! The picture of you sitting in a pool of blood looks pretty gory. Nice! Get well soon, buddy. And try to stay out of the hospital for a while.
Dude...note to self, beers after the ride. Go to the homeopathic store and pick up some Arnica, it'll help you heal way way quicker and you'll live to hypermile another day.
I can only imagine what was going through your mind "no pictures, it didn't happen." Please take care of yourself.
Thank you guys for all the well wishing. You know me. This post was definitely not for sympathy. I just figured we haven't had a good Smash Your Face Into a Bumper thread in awhile. LOL *context* I was on the passenger side of the trailer and crossing over the tongue between the trailer and the truck bed. I remember stepping onto the tongue of the trailer and feeling my foot slip and I though, crap! If my heel gets caught on the other side I may snap my leg! So I leaned towards the truck bed so I could angle my leg away from the trailer as I fell. Too late I remembered the truck is too tall for me to break my fall with my fans before my face hits the bumper. I stuck my left hand out to break my fall but it failed to touch the ground before my face slammed into the bumper of the truck. I tumbled away, sorta ninja like, and lay on my back in a shallow puddle of water. I was a bit dazed. Much like when a giant 6'5" cowboy sucker punches you in the eye. Don't ask me how I know.... I didn't get knocked out so I just explained to my co-worker, who had jumped out of the front of the truck to come help me, that I was fine.
Somebody has managed to put a bad karma redirect on you. I fear to read the next installment. But as such, here's a tip. Do not buy, use, or stand within 20 feet of a nail gun.
True! Actually, my co-worker kept running away to find stuff to try and stop the bleeding but not before telling me he didn't want to risk removing the glass sticking out of my face for fear it might damage my eye or gush more blood. That'll get your attention! So the only way I could see what the fuss was about was to take a picture. So I did, then I posted it.