sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere but I have had a look and although I've found similar I haven't seen my exact problem. Since I bought my car about 5 months ago, the hands free connection to my phone, a nokia E63 has been great and trouble free. Recently though It started taking a couple of goes to connect but after a bit of prompting would connect in the end. However this became harder and harder until yesterday I couldn't get it to connect at all, either by pressing connect in the car, or register and letting the phone do the connecting. Today searching the internet I decided to reset my phone, remove the bluetooth connections in the car and start again. This didn't work and I can no longer pair the phone with the car. The Phone finds 'Hands Free', but then after a while it just times out without giving the option for entering the pass key. I tried connecting another phone but the same problem, it can find the cars bluetooth, but never gets round to pairing with it. Anyone any advice? thanks Steve
ok quick update, looks like its definitly the car, I managed to connect my phone without any problems to another Prius. tried again with my car, it can find the car, but wont pair not even getting to the point of entering the code. question is is this a hardware or software issue. The fact that my phone can find the car make me think that the bluetooth radio is working, or does that part of things use different circuits. Is there anything I can do before calling in the help of professionals and the cost that that entails. thanks Steve