I just saw a ad for a Razr phone from Verizon and they have crippled that phone tool The B*stards! :angry: http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/store/c...tedPhoneId=2142
There are many workarounds to the crippling of phones. Go to http://www.howardforums.com specifically the Verizon Wireless area and do a search. If you can't find the answer ask the question there.
I was still able to upload a file (jpeg image) to the phone using the bluetooth file transfer protocol though... Still, yes, Verizon should be kicked square in the face.
The Vc3 (CDMA Razr) comes with OBEX out of the box so you would be able to pair that phone with a BT-enabled computer. However, Verizon does cripple phones in the sense that they don't have the full Generic Object Exchange stack. Most importantly, they remove or disable the Object Push Profile and that's what we need to transfer our phonebook entries to our cars. One phone that is not so crippled and is VZW-approved, is the Nokia 6256i. It's available at Best Buy and Radio Shack.
Don't hold your breath. They had to settle a class action suit on the v710 and still crippled the RAZR
The lawsuit was based on representations made concerning the capabilities of the V710, not the fact that profile(s) were removed. They have sinced learned their lesson and have included disclaimers regarding OBEX on their web site and elsewhere. As far as VZW "coming around", it's already begun. Again, the Nokia 6256i is uncrippled.
I hope it's OK to ask this question on this thread...I currently have Verizon and am due a new phone in Jan. By reading all the posts, it looks my best bet would be to switch to Cingular to avoid a lot of the compatability/function issues with Verizon.
I don't know anything about Cingular, but I don't have any problems I wasn't able to overcome with Verizon. The only problem I ran into with my Motorola e815 was not being able to upload my phone book, which is common to all Verizon phones, and which I did with a Bluetooth PDA instead.
I hate to sound stupid...but what is this about? :blink: ...and when did I become a senior poster...I've been here 3 weeks.
Why (seriously)? What did MetroPCS have to do with Verizon's approval of the 6256i? I'm not in a MetroPCS service area and all I know is that they happen to offer the 6255i. ???
Nokia didn't want to make another separate model for Verizon. It's actually an older phone, they didn't see a reason to do any work on it. Oh yea, the reason why I said that is because Metro opted to take the phone on their lineup a while ago.
verizon is loosening up a little. when the launch VCAST music, you have additional freedom to transport files with your phone... but still no phonebook yet. and the VCAST music will only be on selected models
I must be having a dense moment here (yes, yet another one!) because I still don't get the connection between the 6256i, MetroPCS, and Verizon. In fact, I recall reading about the 6255i almost a year ago and that one of the first carriers to offer it was U.S. Cellular. Also, IIRC, some VZW customers were buying the 6255i off ebay and activating it on VZW's network. I believe they finally stopped that several months ago.
the 6255i is compatible with ALLTEL, Alaska Digitel, Bluegrass Cellular, Carolina West Wireless , Cellular South, Illinois Valley Cellular, Inland Cellular, MetroPCS, Midwest Wireless, Pioneer/Enid Cellular, Surewest Wireless, Thumb Cellular, LTD Partnership, US Cellular, Western Wireless, i wireless, nTelos, the 6256i is CDMA compatible which makes it work primarily with Verizon a good site for cellphone info is... well its www.cellphoneinfo.com
Also compatible with Verizon but, as I stated, they're now refusing to activate it on their network. Both the 6255i and 6256i are CDMA tri-mode handsets.